Page 57 of Promised Vows

In the next minute, everything happened so fast that I couldn’t be sure of the order. The side door flew open, something stung me, and in seconds, I was barely able to stand.

Darkness blinded my vision. “Papa…” My knees liquified while hands roughly jostled me.

“Sleep, darling. Everything will be okay.”

My papa’s voice was the last thing I heard.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I pulled on my coat sleeve, and once again checked things off my mental list. My bow tie was straight. My cuff links were good. Everything was set and perfect.

“Not so easy to stand still when you’re the one in the hot seat, huh?” Lucas smirked.

He and Claire had returned from Brazil the day before. I never thought I’d ever see him truly fall for a woman, but I knew the second I saw him, something had changed while he was gone. His relationship started as an arranged marriage, but it’d morphed into happiness. It gave me hope that my relationship with Anna might have a chance.

“Shut up. I’m not nervous. I want things to be perfect.” Because I love her. I wasn’t telling anyone that until she’d heard it first. She’d hear the vows and I’d end it with those three words. If I heard them back, great. If not, I’d be patient and earn them. Whatever it took.

Several times, while I held her sleeping form, I wondered what I’d done to deserve her. The mysteries of the universe had twined our fates, and somehow, my arranged marriage had brought me the love of my life. To express my gratitude was beyond the scope of my vocabulary. Neither of us was perfect, but we were perfect for each other, in my opinion.

“Clair de Lune” began to play, but my thoughts were on the woman who would walk in last. I kept my eyes pinned to that entrance. Anna was going to be gorgeous, and I didn’t want to miss a minute of her.

Once the last bridesmaid was in position, the Bridal March began to play. When Anna didn’t appear, I thought maybe she was running a little late. She was upset about her father not giving his blessing. Maybe she was having a moment with Jason. Perhaps he was offering comfort.

As the music continued to play and her absence lengthened, my heart began to race. I knew she wouldn’t leave me. “I’m going to go find her.” I was halfway down the aisle when my siblings caught me.

“What’s going on?” Lucas asked, keeping pace with me.

“I don’t have a clue,” I answered.

As I passed the side entrance, I paused. Flower petals were scattered all over the floor. “Find Jason,” I barked.

Dimitris took one direction and Lex took the other.

I pushed open the door and scanned the area. Petals were strewn on the ground and the bouquet was lying in the middle of the alleyway.

“That’s a dead end and there’s no sign anyone’s been back there,” Dimitris said as he met us outside.

Lex loped to a stop next to Thea. “No one’s seen Jason anywhere. Thomas isn’t around either.”

“Where are they?” Thea looked from me to Lucas and then Dimitris.

Lucas’s hand came to my shoulder. “We’ll find her.”

Thea’s lips pinched together. “Yeah, we will.”

I strode inside and stopped. “Lex, let the guests know that the wedding is being postponed. We’ll update them as soon as we have a new date set. Dimitris, you’re with me. I’m going to pay a visit to Lorenzo. Thea…do your location thing. Lucas…” I looked at him and stopped short. I’d given orders like I was in charge.

“You heard him. Move.” Lucas nodded. “I’ll help Lex take care of things here and then we’ll meet up with Thea.”

“I’ll talk to you later.” I whirled around and realized I didn’t want to explain myself to anyone. Instead of heading back through the church, I walked back outside, straight to the limo.

“Ari?” Ares asked while opening the car door as Dimitris and I approached.

“Take me to the warehouse,” I replied as I got inside the car with my brother following behind.

“You got it.” Ares shut the door.