Page 88 of Riot

“Don’t push it,” I tease before I sober. “I love you. I should have said it sooner.”

His face softens, and despite the pain he must be in, he pulls me closer. “I knew you loved me, Fallon, even if you could never say the words. It was in your eyes when you looked at me, in your kiss, your touch, your words, and your actions. You might have been unable to say it, but you showed me a thousand ways, and I would have died a happy man knowing that.”

Shaking my head, I wipe at my tears as I lean my head into him. “I thought I lost you forever,” I whisper before sitting up, narrowing my eyes on him. “Don’t do that shit again, okay?”

His smile is so bright, it might as well have the sun trapped inside. “I won’t promise not to protect you because I’ll always choose saving you over myself, but I promise to try to stay alive.”

“For as long as I am,” I order. “You don’t get to die before me, okay? I don’t want to live in a world without you.” It’s something I realized when I stared at his silent body. Kage rearranged my world and put himself in the center, and now I don’t want to live without him—not that I can’t, but I don’t want to.

“The moon doesn’t exist without the sun,” I remind him.

His eyes smolder as he watches me, and he tugs me closer until I’m practically lying on him despite the fact he nearly died hours ago. I try to move away, but he holds me in place. “And the sun can’t exist without the moon. There isn’t a world in this universe where I would want to live without you, Fallon. Don’t you see that? The choice was easy for me. I only exist for you, and you exist to show the world strength and beauty and passion. I would die a thousand deaths to keep you safe. I won’t apologize for that, but I am sorry it hurt you. I’m sorry you were scared.”

“I wonder if your fans know you’re such a sentimental bastard,” I choke out, and we both grin. “Just don’t leave me.”

“Never,” he promises as I carefully lay my head on his side. “Now get some sleep, you look exhausted.”

I intend to stay awake and look after him, but he’s right. I’m exhausted. It must finally win out because before I even know it, I’m slipping back into a deep sleep.

Only this time, I want to wake up.


Iwatch the slow, even rise and fall of her chest as she sleeps. She’s a complete mess, still covered in blood, yet I can’t look away. I saw the agony of losing me in her eyes, and if I doubted how Fallon felt before, I never will now.

For the woman who said she would never love, she truly loves deeply. I was happy to spend my life loving her with nothing in return, but knowing she loves me back is a heady feeling, and I don’t need the rapid beeping of the machine to tell me my heart is racing at the thought.

The door to my room opens a crack, Elijah’s head popping through. When he sees me awake, he rushes inside, practically flinging himself at me. “They told me you were awake. I didn’t?—”

“Shh.” I point at Fallon. I might like Elijah, might even call him a friend, but if he wakes my woman, I will end him.

He nods in understanding, bringing another chair closer and running his eyes over me. “The doctor said you were awake, said it was a miracle. You want to know what I told them?” I tilt my head, watching him even as I brush my hand over Fallon’s head to keep her asleep. “Nothing is impossible when it comes to Kage, not if it has to do with his girl.” His eyes go to Fallon. “I knew you’d never leave her alone, not even in death, you crazy bastard.”

I can’t help but smirk, following his eyes to her. “True. What happened while I was out?”

“Uh . . .” He looks uncomfortable for a moment, and when I raise an eyebrow, he sighs. “I told her I worked for her now, just in case you . . .”

“Died,” I supply.

“Yup, that. She was pissed, and then she did like a Carrie revenge thing and had me bribe some cops.” He explains everything that happened in detail since I passed out. I can’t help my smile, and when he’s done, I look at Fallon once more.

“I fucking love this woman.”

“You better. Trust me, you don’t want to be her enemy.” He goes quiet for a moment. “Are you really okay?”

“I will be. Getting stabbed hurts like a bitch though,” I admit.

“Yeah, I bet.” He laughs. “The public is eating it up—not just your heroic save, but everything. It’s insane out there. They had to call in help to keep control of the riots taking place outside the studio. The news stations are rerunning it over and over too, so there is no getting away from it now. Fallon was right, she needed the public, and they are supporting her like she thought. She’ll get justice; they all will. They can’t do anything but. Hell, I don’t think the music industry will ever be the same again.”

“Good, it shouldn’t be. My girl is changing the world, and I’m so fucking proud of her,” I admit. “Keep an eye out for any threats against her or the others. She wouldn’t like it if someone got hurt because of her plan.”

“Already on it.” He smiles at me. “Trust me, remember? Just rest, you deserve it.” He stands, putting the chair back into place before grabbing a blanket from the corner and carefully laying it over Fallon.

He offers me another soft smile, and I know I made the right choice with Elijah. He’ll look after her like he does me. He’ll protect her and lead her like he does me. It’s not about money or fame for him—it never was—it’s about the journey, and I’m glad he is here for ours.

“Oh, Kage? You should know she refused to leave you, even for a moment. I know you’ve been in love with Fallon for years, but it seems like she loves you too. What a great match, huh? You’re both fucking insane.”

“Rude,” Fallon grumbles. “Your voice is so loud, Elijah.”