Page 76 of Riot

Money is his motivation.

He might make me physically sick, but we need him, for now at least. It’s what keeps me silent as we wait in his office. The city is spread out beyond the windows behind his desk. Modeling catalogs sit on his coffee table, and there are prints across the walls. It all screams money, fame, and power. It’s perfect and intimidating, just like he wants.

Men like him thrive on being the strongest in the room, but he won’t be in this room, which is exactly why I get up, smooth down my deep-brown, asymmetrical dress, and push back my wavy hair. I take a seat in his deep leather chair and turn to look out at the view while I wait.

Less than two minutes later, the door opens. Keeping me waiting is another tactic. He’s trying to make me feel unimportant and tell me he’s in demand. I’ve played these games, and I know them well. They won’t work on me.

“Ms. Fallon, I apologize for keeping you waiting . . .” His voice trails off when I don’t turn to see him. “Um, Ms. Fallon?”

I turn in his chair, my eyebrow arched as he hesitates before his own desk. Good, keep him off balance. “Sit.” I wave at the chair perfectly placed on the other side. It’s lower and smaller than his. Kage waits, and so do I, neither of us filling the silence.

Pursing his thin lips, he sinks slowly into the chair. He’s handsome, I guess, but sitting next to Kage, he pales in comparison. He’s older, in his late forties, but his hair is brown and styled, and he wears a power suit, no doubt designer. He has a Rolex on his left wrist and a diamond ring on his other hand. Despite this, I know he’s desperate to sign talent. It’s been a while since he lost his footing in the industry as newer, hungrier agents rise to the top. His standing is hanging in the balance, and he’s bleeding money.

He’s desperate, and he thinks I’m his meal ticket.

He’s wrong. I’m his damnation.

“Evelyn is dead.”

He flinches, his eyes widening before he schools his expression, his lips turning down in a practiced sad frown.

Before he can tell me how sad he is, I carry on. “She was working with me on something, and now I need your help to find someone else.”

“Ms. Fallon, we are here to discuss your career, but if this is for a show, I can happily find you another model who’s better, younger?—”

I hold my hand up. “Don’t ever disrespect Evelyn in this office, understood?” When he nods, I sit back. “It isn’t for a show, per se. I want names of people who, along with Evelyn, were told to work my father’s parties.”

His face pales. “I don’t know?—”

“Spare me the bullshit and lies. I’m low on patience today, and I really want to fucking hit you. Don’t give me a reason to. I’m trying my best to hold back, but if you keep lying to me or give me the runaround, I’ll grow tired of these games and just take my anger out on you, understand?”

“Fallon . . .” He swallows. “What do you want?”

“I just told you. Are you dumb?” I sigh in annoyance. “The list, I know you have one or you remember. You’re one of the best for a reason.”

“What do you want with them?”

“That’s not your issue at all. Give me the list and I’ll leave. I’ll even pay you for it. However, if you refuse, I’m going to take my frustration out on you.” I nod at Kage, and he pulls out the bag, flashing the stacks of bills inside. I might not want to, but I need what he has, and he can take the money. In the end, it will only make him more complicit when the truth comes out.

He will destroy himself. He just doesn’t know it.

He snorts, sitting back. “I won’t compromise my morals for money. Giving you those names would be doing just that.”

“No?” Arching a brow, I stand and walk around the desk. He watches me nervously as I reach into the bag and take out two stacks. When he’s silent, I add another. “How about now?” His face turns beet red as he glances from me to the money, so I add another stack, then another, smiling in disgust. “I can keep going all day. Let me ask you, what do you think will run out first? Your morals or my money? I’m betting on your morals, since we both know you sold your soul a long time ago.”

“Fallon,” he snaps, standing, but his eyes go back to the money. “Why are you doing this?”

“You’re a smart man, you know, now take the money or I will go about this a different way. Either way, I’ll win and get what I want. Take the money and make it easy for yourself,” I warn.

His eyes close for a moment, and when they open, he looks dejected as he nods. Grabbing a piece of paper, he writes down names and hands it over. I scan them before placing it inside my bra and hand him the stacks of cash.

“See? Wasn’t that easy? Everyone can be bought with enough money, and I have enough to do just that. Don’t forget that in the future. I can play with you all like toys and not even eat into my pocket change. We both know this game is won by power and cash, and I have both. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon.” I gently slap his face as I pass. “Spend the money well. We both know you’ll need to stop what’s coming your way.”

As I head toward the door, my eyes catch on a magazine on the table. Evelyn is on the cover, and my heart hurts until I’m practically running, feeling like I’m betraying her even though it’s a necessary evil to work with this man for now. I’ll make sure he gets what he deserves in the end.

I have to for her.

“You’re just like her, so confident and stubborn. That’s why she ended up dead, and you will too,” he spits, feeling brave since my back is turned.