Page 43 of Dare You To Love Me

“Good, I can tell them to stand down on informing the authorities,” I joked. “It was from Joan. She invited me to a party.”

“Pirate’s Cove?” Matthias asked, just as she texted again. When I gave him an incredulous look, he merely said, “I told you there is always a party.” He looked at my sneakers. “Pirate’s Cove is surrounded by boulders and can get windy.”

“Joan just texted that you’re not invited,” I said.

“Tell Joan she can kiss my ass.”

I typed in the message and Joan replied almost immediately. Her text was filthy enough that I wasn’t sure if I should read it to him.

“Well, what did she say?” Matthias asked. He seemed to enjoy putting me on the spot because, as I suspected, he knew she would write back something utterly insane.

We passed signs that indicated Point Dume was two miles ahead, so I knew we were close to the Vaulteneau estate.

I swallowed. “She said, ‘Tell Matty I will kiss his ass if he agrees to lick my slit.’” Heat spread up the back of my neck but I braved a glance at him. Matthias was smiling wildly. “I know you said not to put them in a category, and I’ve seen some crazy shit, Matthias, living in Vegas. But I can’t figure out the three of you.”

“It’s best if you don’t try, Ciaran.”

Were they a throuple? They seemed close. Really close.

Matthias drove past the normal exit. “When we get to the Pirate’s Cove, don’t drink from a red cup.” Matthias sped up on the highway. Mountains rose on either side. “Stick to the clear plastic cups.”


“It’s call red fire oblivion and it will fuck you up fast. I’m not your mom, so I’m not going to tell you not to drink. If you were like me, you’ve been drinking alcohol since you were like fourteen or whatever. I’m not going to rain on your parade, but trust me when I say to steer clear of the red cups.”

I took it for actual advice. “Got it, thanks.”

I’d been to plenty of pool parties at friends’ houses or at a Vegas hotel. My friends and I attended the two-day EDC Festival each year when it came to Vegas. Those fests were full of electric, frenetic attendees, and resembled a glow stick orgy.

We were quiet for a few moments before Matthias asked, “Tell me about Drew.”

“There’s nothing to tell.”

“He’s not your boyfriend?”

My heart pinched. I didn’t know what Drew was. His interactions with me were always shrouded in secrecy. I wasn’t allowed to like him, not really, so talking about him, even to someone who didn’t know him, felt like I was betraying Drew’s trust.

“No, he’s not my boyfriend.”

Matthias, who looked relieved, which surprised me, offered me a genuine smile.

“Then forget about him.” He pulled down Birdview Avenue. “You’re in a new city. Have fun.”

I rolled down the windows. The salty hair wafted in my hair and I could hear the ocean. The road ran parallel to the shore and he parked at the very end.

A cropping of boulders rose up in front of me. The echo of music throbbed in my ears, so the cove must be on the other side.

I’d texted Joan that we were on our way, and she was there to greet us. She pulled me into a big hug. She smelled like cigarettes, coconut perfume, and sangria. She wore shorts but had on a thick sweatshirt and a beanie.

“Hello again, handsome,” Joan said as she pulled me down and pecked me on the lips. It was the kind of kiss a grandmother might give. She gave side-eye to Matthias as he brought up the rear. Frowning, she asked me, “Did you tell him he wasn’t invited or did he agree to the lick challenge?”

I laughed, rubbing the back of my neck. I snuck a glance at Matthias, who didn’t look embarrassed at all. “Matthias doesn’t like being told what to do.”

“You are as astute as you are handsome. Why hasn’t a girl snatched you up yet.” She paused at my reaction, a reassessing gleam in her eye. “Or maybe a guy?”

“I guess I just haven’t met the right person yet,” was all I was willing to say.

Filipe sauntered into view. He was dressed much like me and Matthias. He slapped me on the back but made his way directly to Matthias. “I’ll be there in a minute,” Joan called after them as Matthias and Filipe walked back to the SUV.