Page 27 of Dare You To Love Me

Well, that went about as well as I thought it’d go.

Matthias, though, wasn’t wrong to taunt me about the formal attire thing.

Still, what a prick, but at least he left.

I checked my phone. There were several texts from my friends but nothing from Drew. I tried to not let it bother me.

I sent my friends pictures of the room and the view. Raj sent back a long string of exploding head emojis. At least I could count on my friends to make me feel better.

With a chuckle, I started unpacking my meager belongings.



Iwas already in a full-body wetsuit and out on my board in the water at Third Point before I released the tension flooding my veins. The ocean was my home, my haven. It could soothe even the most monstrous of moods.

Except today, it wasn’t.

Truth was, I was irritated at myself and at Ciaran, who was as annoying as a gnat.

The ocean was choppy today, which felt fitting. The beach flags were yellow, which meant medium hazard. Sometimes, the worse the weather, the better the waves. You’ve got to ride the top of the wave to get over turmoil, otherwise it sucks you under, tumbling you at every side.

Why’d I let Ciaran get to me? I remember watching the way his mouth moved when he insulted me. It was perfect. Not the insult. His mouth. It was like I couldn’t look away.

This brat—this young Adonis with piercing blue eyes—thought he was better than me, and I wasn’t used to people treating me like that. I was a Vaulteneau, for fuck’s sake.

Filipe was already paddling out toward me, diving under with his board each time a wave came through. Joan, who was still on the beach, was talking to a group of tourists. I saw her pointing this way and that, obviously giving directions or advice. Only locals were in the water today. The cloudy skies, a cool westward wind, and the chilly May water sent the tourists inland or over to the touristy parts of Malibu.

“Let me guess, you hate the little fucker already?” Filipe said once he reached me. “Was the photo a lie? Is he a bucktooth slob with large amounts of acne?”

“Am I that obvious?” I wasn’t about to comment on Ciaran’s physical appearance. Filipe would see for himself soon enough and if I lied, he’d see through it immediately.

“You had the same expression when the detailer scratched your Ferrari,” Filipe said with a chuckle.

“Like I wanted to kill him?”

“Exactly. Just ignore the kid. How hard can it be?”

“Do you know that feeling when you hate someone so much you want to make their life miserable?”

“Uh, yeah,” Filipe acknowledged. “That’s how I felt about you when we first met. The feeling subsided once I got to know you, though.”

“Say what now?” I jerked my head to him. “You were smitten the moment you met me, don’t lie.”

Filipe observed me quietly for a second.

“That’s not true, Matty. You were swimming laps in your Olympic pool when Miss Paulina brought me downstairs to meet you. We were twelve. I can’t remember what you said exactly, but you didn’t have the time of day for me. When you got out of the water, I walked up to introduce myself, and you shoved me into the water without a backward glance as you went into the shower room.”

“You must be remembering wrong,” I countered. I watched as Joan paddled in our direction. There was no way I’d treat Filipe that way. “You’re my best friend.”

“We are now, but not back then.” He arched an eyebrow.

A second later, Joan reached us.

“Are we talking about Ciaran?” she asked as she straddled her surfboard, each of us looking toward the horizon for the next approaching wave. Joan grabbed her wet hair and piled it atop her head in a bun.

“Filipe’s claiming I was a dick to him when we first met.”