Page 19 of Dare You To Love Me

Joy spread across her face. “I have been meaning to catch Tobias’s new film.” Her hand slid across the table to take mine. “But I’m happy to go wherever you think best.”

A budding actress deserved to be seen at a film premiere.

I smiled at her. “Indie film fest it is.”

She nearly squealed, her joy evident before she tamped it down.

“Don’t quell your excitement on my account,” I said, paying the bill.

“I just don’t know how you were able to get tickets on such short notice.”

There was no need to inform her that my dad not only helped fund Tobias’s film, but he was one of the major sponsors for the film fest itself. All I had to do was ask my dad’s assistant to phone the organizers to let them know we’d be there.

Instead I said, “One of my friends already had two tickets and couldn’t go.”

When we left the restaurant, I clasped Zoey’s hand as one grizzly paparazzo asked, “Have a nice dinner, Matthias? Where you headed to next?”

If I were by myself, I would just ignore them, but I knew Zoey would appreciate being mentioned by name.

“Zoey and I are attending the Grand View Indie Film Fest.”

Captions for the photos would say something like, “Matthias Vaulteneau and friend Zoey Anderson spotted having romantic dinner at Nobu Malibu.”

In the car ride into West Hollywood, Zoey posted updates to her social media accounts. Actress or not, being seen in a cherry-red Ferrari and then stepping out onto a red carpet was a noteworthy event. The valet took the keys and I escorted her down the red carpet, all the while bright flash photography blinded my actual vision.

We paused for a few photos where entertainment reporters asked, “What’s your friend’s name?” or “Matty, who’s your date?” or “Mr. Vaulteneau, is this your girlfriend?” and “Which film are you most excited to see this season?”

I let Zoey answer the last question and she offered such a thoughtful reflection on Tobias’s film that it wouldn’t surprise me if Entertainment Tonight or TMZ aired her soundbite.

At the end of the date, it was one in the morning when I pulled up to Zoey’s sorority house.

Zoey kissed me on the cheek when I brought her to the front door. “Thanks for an amazing evening, Matthias.”

“Happy to be of service, Zoey.”

She lingered a moment longer, maybe thinking I’d kiss her back, but when several seconds passed by, she murmured a “good night,” unlocked the door, and stepped inside.

It was close to two when I finally made it back to the estate, parked the car, and stumbled up to my bedroom in the guesthouse.

Dad’s new bride and my stepbrother would be landing in a few short hours. I endeavored to get some sleep in order to make a presentable impression. Not because Ciaran was gorgeous, because he wasn’t, but because my dad would expect it of me.

Checking my phone, I read a few texts from friends and one from Dante, in which he asked me to text him my thoughts after meeting Theresa.

Opening Dad’s text thread, I clicked on Ciaran’s photo to enlarge it. “What are you like?” I stupidly asked the image.

I popped a muscle relaxer and crashed into bed, not even bothering to disrobe. If I ended up dreaming of the guy who was now my stepbrother, I knew I wouldn’t remember it in the morning.



Raj, Kinzy, Rowen, and Brieana piled into the limousine my mom’s new husband arranged to take us to the airport.

I wasn’t going to not let them come. I didn’t want to be alone with my thoughts, not after my less-than-stellar parting with Drew last week. He’d avoided me since that day, which was the longest we’d ever gone without speaking.

Even my friends noticed, but they thought it was a good thing considering they thought Mr. Jones was obsessed with me.

It was the other way around, obviously.