Page 174 of Dare You To Love Me

“I—I know. He was, um, affectionate.” Was that even the right word? “He’d touch my shoulder or my leg if we were alone. It wasn’t until later, or rather sorta more recently, that, well, he pressed for more. Not quite sex, but, like over the clothes stuff. I, uh, how do I say this?”

“Take your time, sweetie.”

I glanced at her. She was a wreck, barely able to keep it together, and I hated that. I hated that that bastard put that expression on my mom’s face.

“Mom, the fucked-up part is…I sorta liked it.” I swallowed hard, because I was doing this. “Like, I wanted him to touch me and I craved touching him. And I knew it was wrong. Very very wrong. I knew it wasn’t right for a grown man to want me like that. But…” I ran a hand through my hair. “I don’t know, Mom, I guess I felt special even though it made me feel sick at the same time. Does—does that make sense?”

“It does, sweetie. I understand why you would have felt that way and you’re not fucked up for feeling that way. He was young and charming and paid special attention to you. I’m just…I’m just so sorry I put him into our orbit.” Mom’s eyes squeezed shut and an angry grimace formed on her face. “Did he,” she started, her mouth working. She appeared ready to murder Drew. “Did he force his attentions on you in Vegas? I couldn’t help but notice the fresh, uh, marks on your neck.”

“No.” I held her gaze until it became uncomfortable. “But you may be pleased to know that Matty beat the shit out of him.”

“Remind me to hug that boy.” Then her eyes narrowed. “Oh.” She took stock of me in a new light. “Oh.”


“That explains the overnight part of the trip.”

“I can expl?—”

She stood and paced the room in the same manner Stefon did back in the formal living room. “Did Matty pressure you into?—”

“No!” I pushed to my feet. “Good God, no, Mom. It, uh…” I rubbed the back of my neck. “It didn’t start in Vegas.”

She paused, then, “When we told you boys to get along, we didn’t mean that.”

“Mom, will you look at me.” She stopped pacing and faced me. I was throwing too many revelations at her at once. I still hadn’t mentioned Drew’s other manipulations about college or how he worked to ensure Stefon noticed her. “Matty’s good to me and I think I’m good for him, too. He didn’t force me. We just gravitated to each other and well, the truth is, we really like each other.”

Her forehead creased. “He’s your stepbrother, Ciaran.”

“Of, like, three weeks, Mom.” I started ticking off facts. “We didn’t grow up together. We’re not blood related and we are not trying to hide our relationship. Other people already know.”


“Matty’s best friends, Joan and Filipe. The household staff found out pretty quickly, but they are pros at discretion. Matty’s entire swim team knows. Oh, and Matty’s fake girlfriend, Zoey, is aware. Nobody’s freaking out about this. Not a single person. What they’re freaking out about is how Matty is serious about me. I guess that’s never happened before.”

As I rattled off that laundry list, Mom sat back down, her eyes wide. The range of emotions that flicked across her face would have been humorous had it not been about me.

“A fake girlfriend?” Mom’s eyes sparkled before she started laughing. “Please tell me this is part of the plot of your heist novel.”

“Badger Detective Inspector Shiremarch would never, Mom,” I shot back with faux injustice.” Mom’s smile brightened. “The Vaulteneaus are billionaires.” The fact that Mom and I were now a part of this family was still pretty wild to me. “And they get what they want, to include fake girlfriends who want Hollywood introductions. And before you ask, I’m okay with it. Honestly. Matty and I talked about it. His relationship with Zoey is a business agreement, not a romantic relationship.”

“Only in Malibu would that kind of statement make sense.” She stood in front of me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

“Right?” I snickered. “It’s been an, uh, adjustment.”

Mom nodded. “I know that by marrying Stefon and moving us abruptly to Malibu changed everything. I uprooted your life and for that I’m sorry. I want you to be happy, Ciaran, and I want you to make the best choices for yourself, whether that’s who to love or where to go to college. I’ll support you no matter what. You’ve always been an independent young man, and now we have the resources for you to soar as high as you ever dreamed, sweetheart.” She paused and I noticed how her throat worked as she swallowed. “I was going to tell you tomorrow, but Stefon has opened a trust fund for you.”

My heart started beating fast again.

“Yeah, Matty indicated something like that might happen. The amount he guessed made my head spin.”

“I won’t lie.” She looked away, something like embarrassment in her expression. “It’s…substantial.”

“I don’t want it. If he won’t take it back—and maybe he will once he learns about me and Matty—then I’ll donate it all to charity. I’m going to give away all of Matty’s money, too. He said I could. I mean, I’m pretty sure he was joking, but I plan to hold him to it.”

Mom laughed.

“Maybe keep a few bucks, okay? You’re a good kid with a good heart and a solid head on your shoulders. We could all take a page from your playbook.” Mom turned serious for a moment. “As for Matty…” She sighed. “As long as no one is getting hurt, and you’re being safe, then I think I’m okay with you two being an item.”