Page 127 of Dare You To Love Me

All I knew was that I was excited and nervous to be wholly alone with Ciaran tonight, where no one would interrupt us.

My cocked swelled at the thought.

As I unlocked the Ferrari to collect our overnight bags, Ciaran asked, “Should we store the statue in the car?”

It was sagging in his arms and he put it down carefully.

“It’s not safe to leave it in the car. I don’t think Andy is in any condition to retaliate. Actually, I don’t think he will retaliate at all, but that doesn’t mean someone won’t try to steal the Ferrari. It’s unlikely but I don’t want to risk it.”

Ciaran saw the wisdom in this. “Joan would kill us if we lost the statue again.”

“She scares me more than the embassy guards do.”

“No lies detected,” Ciaran said, his lips quirking into a lopsided grin. “You take the statue.” He rubbed his arms back to life. “I wasn’t lying about numb hands. I’ll take the bags.” After we traded our cargo and made our way back to the elevator, he asked, “How many bedrooms does the penthouse have?”

The question made my heart stutter as the elevator whisked us up sixty floors.

In a matter of seconds I was going to be completely alone with Ciaran.

“Five bedrooms,” I said as casually as possible.

I watched his face, the way one eyebrow arched, how his lips formed a shy smile.

He must have made up his mind about something but he was remarkably silent.

It wasn’t until the elevator reached the fiftieth floor that he said, “I get to pick the one we sleep in.”



Ever since we left Drew’s apartment, every cell in my body was aware of Matthias Vaulteneau. For the first time in my life, my mind, heart, and cock were all in agreement.

I knew precisely how far away he was from me. At present, standing in the elevator, with our shoulders and arms touching, he was exactly zero inches away from me.

A fertility statue, of all things, kept us from devouring each other.

I knew what his smiles meant.

What his hooded, sexy eyes were telling me.

What his body was saying.

I felt him thrum. Like, his body was vibrating. Each breath was a coded message for how much he wanted me.

The feeling was mutual.

I wanted him.


I wasn’t sure how far I was willing to let things go tonight, but I wanted to discuss options with him.

The elevator was fast as it brought us to the very top of the building and I observed Matty’s reflection in the shimmery walls. They weren’t mirrors, but were shiny enough to witness Matty’s expression after I told him I was going to pick the bedroom we were going to sleep in.

Sleep in together.

That message had to be clear.