Page 120 of Dare You To Love Me


Story time, my ass, I thought. Ciaran had been fifteen when Andy got his claws in him. That fucker was lucky he was still breathing.

If I could rate my anger level score from one to ten, I’d be off the charts at a thousand. I trusted Andy about as much as I trusted a poisonous snake.

He couldn’t hold the statue all night. The moment it was out of his hands, I would be on him, letting my fists talk for me. I’d make him regret ever touching Ciaran, for making Ciaran feel like it had been his fault.

Ciaran sat beside me, our sides touching. By Andy’s expression, he was having an internal meltdown over this fact. It was clear to me he felt he had a right to Ciaran’s affections. When those affections were turned elsewhere, Andy didn’t take it lying down.

That meant he’d try something before the night was over, I just didn’t know what.

I’d been to Andy’s apartment several times over the years. He always had great taste in furniture and art, and I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t admit that the wine was excellent. Andy and I took a glass. Ciaran refrained.

The alcohol mellowed me but I was still on edge. Andy had his methods. Good looks. Smooth talk. Liquor. Wealth. Authority. Younger Ciaran didn’t stand a chance at blocking Andy’s advances.

“When I first met you,” Andy said to Ciaran, “I knew you had a bright future. Sadly, Theresa’s finances were shit. However, with the right patronage, Theresa could earn enough money to get you into your school of choice.”

“My mom’s not a whore,” Ciaran gritted out.

“I know that now, but at the time, all I knew about Theresa Galbraith was that she was drop-dead gorgeous and a former showgirl. It was an easy mistake to make.”

“If you say another negative word about my mom, I don’t give a shit about the statue, I will fuck you up.”

“Simmer down, cowboy,” Andy said, his lips quirking into a wicked grin. “Or I’ll think you want to arouse me.”

Ciaran stood. “I’ll shove that statue so far up your?—”

Jumping in the conversation, I pressed a hand in Ciaran’s chest to prevent him from flying over the coffee table. I asked Andy, “You thought Stefon would date Theresa long enough to use his influence with money and college?”

Andy’s eyes glinted with excitement. He loved getting a passionate rise out of Ciaran. We reseated ourselves as Andy finished his glass of wine and poured himself a second glass. He’d always been a heavy drinker. A few glasses of wine would not muddle his head. The truth was, I wouldn’t be able to best him and protect the statue.

“Bingo,” Andy said. Then he frowned dramatically. “But, there was a problem.”

“Just one problem?” I scoffed.

“Jesus, Matty,” Andy muttered as his eyes narrowed into ice chips. “I forgot how lippy you could get. Are you going to let me tell the story or not?”

As he said this, Andy stole a glance at Ciaran, as if he’d gain support from him. Ciaran’s expression was closed off. Our bickering wasn’t helping the situation.

“Fine, please continue, Monsieur Pédo—” I started but Ciaran’s elbow jabbed my side, which brought me back to my senses. Ciaran’s eyes pleaded with mine. Let him finish the story, his unspoken words told me.

Ciaran had come here for answers.

Andy’s expression darkened at our wordless exchange. “Because we have a long history, Matty, I’m going to ignore that juvenile remark.” Andy sipped at his wine before saying, “Back to my story. How long did Stefon’s relationships generally last?”

I shrugged, not understanding why it mattered. “A few months to a year.”

“Exactly.” Andy was suddenly animated. “I realized my mistake when Stefon expressed interest in Theresa right away. However, if I introduced them to each other then, the relationship might not last long enough. I needed the relationship to occur during a window when Ciaran would be applying to colleges. If Stefon was on the scene when that happened, chances were good he’d pay for his entire education.”

“This,” Ciaran said, sounding tired, “is the most fucked-up matchmaking example I’ve ever heard. So you waited three years to make the introductions. Big deal. Do you want a trophy?”

“I want you to appreciate my meticulous planning, Ciaran,” Andy offered. “After I met you, I was, well, enthralled. I wanted to do something good for you.”

I would have called it something else. Obsessed, not enthralled.

The room was silent for a long moment.

“Wait a goddamn minute,” Ciaran blurted. He rubbed his eyes. “Are you defining this action as something that made you want to be a better person after meeting me?”