Her smile seemed to take on a mischievous quality. “Touching you does turn me on.”
Both hands were around me, stacked, as she watched with fascination. I closed my eyes and did everything I could to take my mind off what was happening. At the same time, I found her clit again and began massaging it.
It would be so easy to just give up and let her jerk me off, but I didn’t want to come that way. No, I had to be inside her. I just wanted to make sure she was warmed up first to reduce that first-time pain as much as possible.
“Mmm,” she hummed.
Her hips began moving. She liked what I was doing to her, so I focused on that, but I still couldn’t open my eyes. Seeing her turned me on, only making it harder to hold out.
When she suddenly moved off me, my eyes finally popped open. I wasn’t sure what she was doing. But then I saw her positioning herself above me, my erection parting her folds. She moved her hands to my shoulders again, bracing herself as she lowered her body onto mine, my tip inching deeper and deeper as her tight pussy enveloped me.
I expected it to become even harder to hold out, but instead, concern for her took over all my senses. I didn’t want to hurt her. It was the last thing I wanted to do. As she gritted her teeth and squeezed my shoulders, though, it was clear that was exactly what I was doing.
“Look at me,” I said.
Our eyes met and held, and in that stare, I did everything I could to let her know she’d always be safe with me. And whatever obstacles we had to move past in life, we’d do it together.
When her eyes slowly drifted shut and her jaw relaxed, I knew the pain was easing. Maybe just a little, but at least we were making progress in pushing past the toughest part of her losing her virginity.
I tried not to, but I couldn’t stop looking at her. Water sloshed around us as she moved up and down on me, eyes closed, lips lightly parted. I could stare at her for days.
Surprisingly, focusing on how beautiful she was helped take my mind off my own pleasure, at least temporarily. And that was exactly what I needed to do to hold out just a little longer.
The movements of my thumb over her clit sped up as she bounced faster and faster on my cock. “Oh fuck,” she cried out.
That brought a smile to my face. She didn’t seem like the type of person who cussed a lot. That told me she was so caught up in what we were doing that words were just spilling from her mouth. I liked the idea that I could turn her on so much she lost control of her words.
She finally stilled, marking my cue to let go. My plan was to focus my attention on those gorgeous tits. But when I saw her looking at me, my gaze was drawn to her face. As our eyes met, I felt a connection that I never expected, not in a million years.
And that was what drove me over the edge. I came with a grunt, biting my tongue to remain quiet, even though I’d already acknowledged there was probably no one around for miles.
When we were both spent, I pulled her into my arms, holding her in the water as birds chirped and the wind rustled the trees. This was the perfect day. The best thing about it was that I knew it was the first of many perfect days.
“This is where it all began,” I said as we stood in the living room of our new house. “Seems like yesterday that you guys were tarping the roof to keep the elements out.”
Mac put his arm around me and looked around just as I was doing. “It’s all ours.”
Now that our son was three, we were ready to start trying for another baby. That meant finding a home with three bedrooms. We’d looked into having a cabin built like so many of Mac’s friends had, but when we heard this house was on the market, we jumped at the chance to buy it.
“It feels like home,” I said, looking up at him.
He smiled down at me. “It is home. Now, let’s have a look around.”
We split up, moving to separate areas of the house. I headed straight upstairs to once again see the rooms that would become a bedroom for Caleb and a nursery for the baby we’d be having in the next year or two.
“Ashton?” I heard Mac say as I made some notes in my phone for items we’d need for the upstairs bathroom. “Can you come down here for a second?”
I headed straight for the stairs. I was finished upstairs anyway. Mac probably wanted me to check out something in the main bedroom or the kitchen.
But when I reached the top of the steps, I saw that my husband had other things in mind. He was tugging his long-sleeved T-shirt over his head as he stood on the bottom step.
“We need to christen the house,” he said. “Get down here.”
Warmth went straight to my pussy at those words. I tossed my purse to the ground and started unbuttoning my dress blouse. I was dressed up because I was on my lunch break from my part-time job as activities host at the retreat center. I worked there while Caleb was at preschool.