“Have you heard their new song?”
Gift bags. Under the desk. Nod politely. Move on.
“Is he just as adorable in real life?”
“He’s…” I had to laugh. “The truth?” I leant forward, beckoning them closer. “He’s a vampire. I’ve seen it. Only drinks blood and sleeps in a coffin.”
At least they laughed at that, and then I pretended to be really busy with our taxi drivers until they left. Next chance I got, I shoved the gift bags in the baggage room. Whatever.
“Hello, Reuben, is it?”
A guy, and another guy with a camera, that he promptly thrust in my face.
“What?” Fuck. “Excuse me?” I barked out, perhaps a little aggressively, holding my hand up over the lens. Where was Luis when I needed him? Fucking skiving off as always.
“We just have a few questions, if you wouldn’t mind answering them.”
“Who are you?” I didn’t really have to ask. I recognised the guy with the camera—one of the regular photographers who hung around here, hungry for a bit of scandal through his camera lens. The other guy, though, was still talking.
“You’re the guy who was with The Dieter that night, when he had to be rescued out of a fast-food establishment. Can you shed some light on that incident?”
Hell, no! And here was my security guy, who’d finally realised that I’d pressed the emergency code on the radio. FFS.
All hell seemed to break loose as the photographer started shouting at the security guy, and now Luis was shouting at the security guy too, while the guy with all the questions kept talking to me.
As if my day could get any worse.
“Reuben, my office. Now.”
I did as I was told, always did, leaving the rest of them to all the shouting as I went and parked my sorry arse in the back-office visitor’s chair with a scowl on my face.
“Not my fault this time, boss. Promise.”
“Well, I could see that. Fancy sharing what that was all about?” Eddie closed the door behind him. He was still not my biggest fan, and the feeling was mutual. At least Hugo liked me. Finn was pretty reasonable. Rafaela was nice to me most of the time. Eddie, though, was always on my bloody back.
“People don’t come into this hotel shouting for no reason. We’ve had phone calls all morning asking if someone called Reuben works here.”
“Oh, fuck off,” came out of my mouth.
“And there’s a photo on one of those websites. Amy just showed me. You and The Dieter walking through some motorway service station holding hands. It’s definitely you. And The Dieter. Or someone who looks quite like him.”
“None of your business, boss.”
“No.” He smiled. “I know it’s not, Reuben. You’re not in trouble. We just need to rein Amy in before she causes some kind of incident.”
“She’s fine. She’s just into all the gossip.”
“I know. But…”
“But what?”
“The Dieter is a regular client. A guest. And HR are hot on us not fraternising with the guests. Also, you know how Mr Klutz feels about us upsetting the paparazzi. He’s got friends in…those kinds of circles.”
“Yeah. But that gives them no right to thrust their lenses in my face and cause trouble.”
“No, of course not.”