Page 86 of Trust

“No.” I laughed, getting out and walking around the car to open his door.

“Get out,” I repeated, taking his hand, keeping hold as he unfolded himself and straightened up beside me.

I took a moment to watch him, take in his hair, now all flyaway and clean. His handsome face, devoid of all that stupid make-up The Dieter was known for. I couldn’t even see the Dieter part of him. Not anymore. He was just this messy bloke. A little pale.

My Gray.

“I’m here because at least one of us has to be an adult in this relationship,” I said very seriously, then I laughed. He did too. It felt good. So damn good.

“Okay?” he said.

“Yep. So we’re going to start over. From scratch. If we’re going to do this relationship thing, we need to do it right.”

“Sounds good,” he replied softly. “So this is a relationship now? We’re…together?”

“I’m not going to say it,” I admitted. “But I can’t help it. It’s just…you. I need you. That okay?”

“Yeah.” He smiled. I liked it so much when he smiled. “I’m not doing very well right now,” he admitted. Like I hadn’t noticed.

“Yeah, I realised that. So…” I cleared my throat. “I’m going to take a few days off work. Emergency leave or whatever. I haven’t asked yet, but I will tomorrow. Then I’ll move into your wanky house and I’ll look after you. I’m new to this so you have to promise you’ll look after me too. Is that okay too?”

“Deal,” he said. His arms snaked around my waist. “I like you too, by the way.”

“You love me. You told me already.”

“I do, don’t I?”

“Yeah. And we’re gonna have to take this as it comes. Small steps. See if we can make this work.”

“It’s already working,” he said, sounding more like himself. “You even came to rescue me, all the way up here. I mean, talk about being my Prince Charming.”

“This is no fairy tale, G.” I laughed. “And I prefer being a…Stormtrooper maybe?”

“Who am I then? Princess Leia?”

“Nah.” I laughed. I put my finger under his chin like I truly was some kind of superstar in a movie. The guy in that happy ending. The sunset behind us was mesmerising.

Then I leaned in and kissed him. Because I could. Because he was mine, and perhaps because in that moment, it was the right thing to do.



Happiness came in many forms, but the thing I liked the most right now was that Reuben was driving, his eyes focused on the road while I expelled all the verbal diarrhoea I’d kept in, having spent the last two weeks with only my parents’ shitty curtains listening to my woes.

My parents. They’d tried, bless them. I could almost hear Dr Williams’ thoughts as he’d sighed and scribbled on his iPad. He was too old to understand me and my stupid head, but he’d agreed there was no need for PrEP, even if he had still advised that we both get tested.

He’d also given me a prescription for mild anxiety meds that he said would help me wind down and think a little more clearly so I could “grab all my troubles by the horns.” His words. He was no therapist, that was for sure. Neither was my mother, but I was following their logic. And as long as I had Reuben…

Reuben. I had to stop talking for a second so I could take him in.

“Stop staring at me, you wanker.” He laughed, indicating and swerving into the outside lane, overtaking a lorry as I clung to my seat belt. He was a careful driver, but I wasn’t used to motorways. I wasn’t used to sitting in the front seat. I wasn’t used to…this.

“We should do this, a few times a year. Drive up and see your parents.”

“Yeah,” I said, full of guilt. “I haven’t been very good at it.”

“That’s okay.” He smiled, glancing at me. “We could maybe stay in a hotel.”