“Bloody Dieter,” I said. “Fuck.”
“Fuck what?”
I had to smile. Eddie actually never swore, being an all-round portly, slightly balding, middle-aged dull bloke. Well, unless the hotel was on fire. We’d been on fire. Quite a few times.
“He’s a mate. We live together. And…you know, things like that.”
“None of my business. Honestly.” He held up his hands. “But humour me here. Dieter and you?”
I grinned. I wasn’t going to lie to my boss.
“We’ve known each other a while,” I admitted.
“Good for you.” He smiled. “I’m glad you met someone. And I hope it’s not too complicated.”
“Nah. It’s actually really…easy. Simple.”
“Love often is. You meet someone, then your life just starts to agree with you. Things seem…”
“Lighter,” I said. “I’m happy. He’s happy.”
“And Stewart? Is he okay with all this?”
I laughed. “I think Dad is more in love with him than I am.”
That made Eddie grimace. “I’ll stop you right there.”
“Dad’s not gay.”
“Good to know.” He was still grimacing.
“I’m a bit gay, though. And well…no. I’m Pansexual. Whatever.” I had to say that, just to watch him squirm.
“I always thought you might swing somewhere that way. I mean, you always had a thing for Mabel.”
“I did not.” I rolled my eyes. Hard. Okay, I had a bit of a thing for them. I liked Mabs.
“Did so.” It was nice seeing Eddie laugh. He rarely did. Or maybe he did. It was funny how I’d started to notice things like that. Happiness. Laughter.
“Shall we cause these people a little trouble? Or a lot of trouble?”
I knew what he meant—bar them or call the police. I just shook my head. “It’s fine,” I said and walked back out in that lobby with my head held high.
“Reuben. Ready to talk?”
“About what?” I snapped. “Now, get off the hotel premises and let us hardworking folks do our jobs.”
“Exactly!” Luis backed me up. “We have paying guests to see to, and unless you are checking into a room…”
“You can both piss right off,” I hissed.
Then I stared at them as they both backed out the door.
Life. Whatever. There wasn’t much I couldn’t handle. Truly.