Page 86 of Miki

Fuck, she really was gone, obviously taken by someone as she wouldn’t leave without her clothes, phone, or new necklace, and now I have no way of tracking her!

Shit, I should have told her there was a tracker inside and that she was to keep it on, no matter what.

Even if she hadn’t liked the idea, I’m sure I could have persuaded her to keep it on, regardless. Why the hell hadn’t I tried?

I was a bloody fool.

Next time I was getting Marko to put one in both of her earrings, she never took them off and if there had been one in them instead of just the necklace and phone, she wouldn’t be lost.

In fact, I’d make sure every piece of jewellery I got her from now on contained a tracker.

I just needed to get her back first.

After checking the spa, we found an employee-only entrance right next to the women’s changing area, which led around the side of the building and straight to the carpark. That was obviously how the person had got her out.

Who, though, and where had they taken her? Was it that fucker, Johnson? Or someone else? My mind bombarded me with questions I couldn’t answer.

“Get the locations of Mathieson, Roy Allen, and Eilidh’s other colleagues. Check all their communications and look for Johnson again; one of them must have her!” I barked down my mobile to Marko.

“Already on it!” he told me.

After a quick discussion with the manager and a promise that there would be a significant bonus for him and his staff for their help and discretion, I talked him into pulling up the security footage.

Sitting there waiting for it to re-wind, my hands clenching and unclenching, I tried not to punch anything.

I should have taken better care of her. I failed! Just like I failed Krissa and almost failed Sonia. Shit!

Guilt threatened to overwhelm me, but I forced it aside. I needed to focus so I could get Eilidh back.

Finally, an image appeared on the screen. A man wearing a dark jacket, jeans, and a baseball cap exited with a woman wrapped in a towel over his shoulder, hands cuffed behind her back and some sort of bag over her head. She was limp. She could be knocked out or drugged.

Narrowing my eyes, I zoned in on the image of the guy. It was hard to see who he was at first, but at the last minute, the camera captured the lower half of his face, and it was enough to recognise the cocky bastard. Martin Johnson had Eilidh!

But why? He had tried to kill her before, unless that had actually been an accident. He’d ransacked the place and was pouring petrol on it before she arrived. Maybe he had just been trying to get rid of evidence and not her. So, why kidnap her now?

Was I the reason? Did he know who I was and had kidnapped her because we were obviously not only working together, but an item?

Mathieson knew who I was, and Johnson worked for Mathieson, so it was a possibility that he recognised me yesterday. What did that mean? Would he be in touch? If so, what would he want? Did he plan on ransoming her, or was there another reason for taking her?

These questions assaulted me as we returned to our suite to find out what Marko had discovered.

Apparently, Mathieson was in court today. Roy Allen had just returned home from his golf trip and was in his house. The other two officers were working and were at the scene of a robbery, so they were all accounted for and none of them had communicated with Johnson.

“Fuck!” I roared in frustration.

“That bastard has my woman, and I do not know where he has taken her or what the fuck he is doing to her or if she is even still alive!”

God, my whole body shook with rage. I wanted to punch something, or better yet, someone. That fucker Johnson!

“We’ll get her back!” Marko stated, gripping my shoulder reassuringly.

We had to. I needed to save her. What the hell would I do if I couldn’t?

Sighing, I sunk onto the sofa, holding my head and feeling utterly defeated.

I rubbed at the hollow ache in my chest.

Eilidh hadn’t been in my life long, but she was already my world. My heart belonged to her.