Thankfully, I could only have been out for mere seconds as I heard a scuffle and saw Roy dragging Eilidh towards another exit while she struggled against his hold. He saw me heading toward them and shot, but Eilidh struggled so much in his arms that he missed.
The gun had a silencer, so the noise was muted. I hoped it wouldn’t attract attention, but if I didn’t get control of this situation soon, it definitely would, and then we’d be in even more trouble.
Eilidh continued to struggle frantically against Roy’s arm, which was wrapped tightly around her neck as he tried to get her out the door. He fired towards me again but was too distracted to aim correctly, and once more, the shot went wide. Thank fuck!
It didn’t stop me from heading towards him. Nothing would. Eilidh elbowed Roy in the ribs, and he loosened his grip on her. She grabbed his arm and smashed his hand against the doorframe, which made him drop his gun, but he backhanded her, sending her sprawling at his feet.
The fucker!
I lunged towards him, fists flying, punching him twice in the face.
Roy fell to his knees and threw himself towards the gun on the floor. Eilidh grabbed for it at the same time. She got it, and it went off.
Roy was dead!
Little Miss Red looked completely shocked. There were a few seconds of silence before I acted. Pulling her up off the floor, I took the gun from her limp wrist as she stared at Roy’s dead body.
“Eilidh, baby, we’ve got to go,” I said gently before tugging on her arm. That roused her, and we ran to the emergency exit, into the factory and down the stairs.
I checked the small corridor, and it was clear except for Vlad, who was heading our way. I should have known he would check on me if I took longer than expected.
With a relieved look, he led us back to the tunnel. Just in the nick of time, as chaos broke out in the factory above.
The sound of sirens, shouts and screams rang out as the Interpol officers arrived, and the traffickers realised they were surrounded.
Gripping tightly to Eilidh’s hand, I hurried her through the tunnel, leaving the others behind for our plan to play out as expected.
I knew I should check on the progress of things, but looking after Eilidh right now was more important to me. Besides, if there were any issues, I trusted Luca, Vlad, and Marko to deal with them.
One of MacArthur’s guys drove us back to the hotel, and I took Eilidh straight up to the suite. I needed to be close to her and desperately wanted to throw her down on the bed and show her how scared of losing her I was, but I didn’t.
Instead, I ran a bath for her. I expected she would want to wash off the night’s events, and I certainly wanted her to. The thought of either of those men touching her made me so angry I wanted to bring them back to life so I could have the pleasure of kill them, torturing them slowly, making them scream.
As the tub filled, I fought to control my emotions. They were gone and couldn’t hurt Eilidh anymore. Killing them wasn’t required; taking care of my Little Miss Red was, I reminded myself, finally calming down.
Eilidh sank into the bubbles and closed her eyes with a sigh. I stripped off, then grabbed some oil. Climbing in behind her, I sandwiched myself around her, needing to have her close. My cock was already hard, anticipating being inside her, but not yet, I told it. Patience! Eilidh had been hurt and been through a traumatic experience. My Little Miss Red needed to bathe and rest.
Pouring some oil on my hands, I gently massaged her shoulders. Eventually, I felt her muscles loosen as her tension slowly drained away and she became drowsy.
It was good to see her relax, but I didn’t want her falling asleep on me yet.
So, I stopped what I was doing and moved my hands lower to cup her breasts, then squeezed them gently, nibbling lightly on her neck.
There were things I needed to say, and there was so much I hoped to hear.
“I was so scared I would lose you, sweetheart! The thought of never seeing you again made me crazy. I don’t think I could survive it!” I whispered.
Turning her towards me so she straddled me, I looked into her eyes.
“Come home to London with me,” I said, praying she’d agree.
Miki looked so vulnerable when he said, “Come to London with me.”