Why hadn’t I stayed here with Eilidh and let someone else go with Luca to fit the cameras and check the tunnel? If I’d been here, nobody would have got close to her, and I wouldn’t be facing the possibility that I’d lost her forever.
We’d tried everything we could think of to find where Martin could have taken Eilidh and come up with nothing. Our other enemies had finished work, returned home, and remained there. There had been no communication between them since.
With nothing to go on, I was seriously contemplating rounding up her colleagues and beating them senseless until one of them told us where she was.
The only thing that stopped me was that I didn’t want to jeopardise the upcoming Interpol operation. I couldn’t risk it, not when it was just a short time away. It was unfair to do so when so many other women, ones currently being trafficked, could be freed and so many of our enemies caught all at once.
Frankly, if it was just up to me, I would do it in a heartbeat, but it wasn’t. I had Jim and my Brotherhood to think about. And I also knew Eilidh would hate me for it if I did anything to disrupt our plans for revenge. So, I’d bided my time and waited, hoping Martin Johnson or one of the others would get in touch with me about her.
But they hadn’t, and it was getting close to the time of the handover. I was at the end of my tether, thought, ready to find Roy Allen, at least and beat the shit out of him when the phone in my room started to ring.
Shock filled me and I grabbed it.
“It’s me.”
My knees buckled in relief when I heard Eilidh’s voice on the other end.
Thank fuck she was alive!
“Can you trace this phone?” Eilidh asked, and I told Marko to do just that.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” I asked, unable to hide the worry in my voice.
“I will be when you ride to the rescue,” she joked.
Chuckling in relief, I told myself she couldn’t be too bad if she was joking.
I knew it would take Marko a few minutes to trace her location, so I asked her what had happened.
It was difficult to hear, and I knew she was holding a lot back from me.
The image of Johnson hurting her and touching her made me livid, and I banged the desk angrily, knocking the lamp off and breaking it.
“I’ll fucking kill him!” I vowed.
“No need; he’s already dead. Roy killed him,” she said before she told me the rest.
When I heard about Roy and his sick fantasy, I almost puked. No fucking way! I’d skin the bastard alive.
We hadn’t even been aware that Roy had left his house yet. He must have left his phone and car behind. Fuck! What else didn’t we know?
Marko gave me the thumbs up and then showed me Eilidh’s location on his computer.
“Got you. You’re in the building next door to the handover location. We’re on our way!” I told her.
“Great, I’m in an old office,” she said.
“See you soon, sweetheart,” I told her before hanging up.
My Little Miss Red’s call had arrived just as Vlad and Luca were about to leave to meet Jim MacArthur’s men. They needed to get there in plenty of time to head through the tunnel and be ready for when the informant gave them the signal that Mathieson and the others had arrived. So, I grabbed a ride with them.
I’d already figured to that using the tunnel was my only chance at getting to my woman unseen.
On the way, I called Jim, explained the situation and told him to ensure that our men all had eyes on the other fuckers to ensure none of them slipped past us. We didn’t need any surprises. For this plan to work, all the pieces had to line up just right.
We slipped through the tunnel. My anxiety level had been through the roof since Eilidh had been taken and even though I’d heard her voice, and she’d said she was okay; I wouldn’t be able to calm down until I saw that for myself and held her in my arms.