Page 94 of Miki

“Sorry, baby girl, but daddy can’t.”

“Then can you at least unchain me? Please Daddy? I’m cold and sore!” I stated, adding a little whine to my voice.

His eyes tracked over my body, and then he glared at the bloody mess on the floor.

“I’m sorry he hurt you, baby girl.”

Roy went to the body and rifled through Martin’s pockets, then came back with the key.

Oh, my god! He was going to do it! He was going to free me!

Excitement filled me as he unchained my legs.

Being tied down so tightly had made my legs go numb, so I wiggled my toes to help them regain their feeling.

When he freed my left arm, I did the same with it, wiggling the fingers and shaking my arm until the heaviness abated.

But he didn’t unchain my other hand.

Damn, damn, damn!

Instead, he placed the key on the desk, then retrieved a blanket which had been tossed in a corner beside it.

I held still as he covered me before kissing me on the forehead.

“I’ll see you soon, baby,” he said.

Well, at least I was almost free and able to move now, so I had to be thankful for that.

As soon as he’d gone, I avoided looking at the mess that was left of Martin as I got up and tried to stretch over to the desk, but the chain wasn’t long enough, and the bed had been secured to the floor, so it wouldn’t move.

Damn it to hell!

There was no way to reach the key, but I could get the phone.

It was locked, but luckily, it only required the pin to unlock it. Thankfully, I had been secretly watching Martin input it for so long now that I thought I knew what it was.

Yes! I was right. I felt like doing a jig when the home screen appeared.

After looking up the number for the Hilton, I called and asked to be put through to Miki’s suite.

“Rominov,” Miki answered immediately, in that sexy Russian accent that made me want to swoon and despite my current predicament, my lady parts tingled in response.

“It’s me. Can you trace this phone?” I asked.




My eyes stung and were blurry from lack of sleep. It was the early hours of the morning, and we still hadn’t found my woman.

I was exhausted and frustrated and bloody angry with myself.

Why had I thought leaving her here alone was a good idea? Even with Marko in the other suite? I should have taken better care of my Little Miss Red.

Guilt washed over me.