“You crazy fuck! You stabbed me!” he said incredulously, holding his side.
Roy struggled to his feet and stepped back, panting hard.
Martin followed but instead of the situation calming down, as I thought it would, Martin ran at Roy again and punched him I the stomach.
Winded, Roy fell to his knees with a grunt. Martin was on him in seconds. A loud thud rent the air and Roy’s head snapped back.
The pair wrestled, grunting and cursing as they fought to get the upper hand.
Martin let out a pained gurgling sound as Roy stabbed him in the neck.
But Roy didn’t stop there. He continued to stab Martin repeatedly until he was nothing but a bloody mess on the floor.
I boaked and bit back the bile that made me want to puke at the sounds and sights before me.
As if in a daze, Roy stood looking down at Martin’s body for a long minute, panting hard. When his breathing finally slowed down, he turned to look at me, and I cringed at the sight of him covered in blood.
Roy walked over to me, and I grimaced as one of his bloody hands cupped my face. The other was still holding the knife he’d just killed Martin with. His eyes were wild, and he looked crazy.
“Hey baby girl, daddy’s here now. I’ll look after you and keep you safe!” he told me, stroking my cheek.
Aw fuck!
Martin was right; he was a sick bastard. Pushing down the bile rising again in my throat as he stroked my cheek, I remained as still as possible.
Feeling sick to my stomach, I really wanted to pull away but didn’t want to antagonise him, not when I was still chained to this bed and naked.
“I’ve got everything arranged. I have some business to attend to, and then we are leaving the country. We’ll go abroad. I’ve got enough money for us to live in luxury and already own a large compound in Thailand. You’ll love it there. We can be together at last.” He smiled.
The man was nuts. A frigging psycho! I stared at him, completely speechless.
“Daddy loves you, baby, but I need to go take care of that business now, and then I’ll be back for you, I promise!” he told me, kissing me on my cheek.
Shock still had hold of me when he stood up to leave, stopping to use Martin’s discarded T-shirt to clean some of the blood off himself.
Shit, he couldn’t go; I needed to get out of these chains, and I needed him to help me do that.
Martin’s phone was on the floor and just under the bed, and I prayed Roy wouldn’t notice it.
If I could at least get my feet unchained, I could get it. I needed to use the sick fuck’s obsession with me and make that happen.
“Wait, please wait, Daddy,” I said, feeling nauseous at my words, but playing his game was a necessity in order for me to survive.
Roy turned to me in shock before a smile spread over his face.
“Yes, baby?” he asked, approaching me again.
Taking a steadying breath, I pushed down my sense of disgust and pouted.
“I’ve wanted to call you that for a long time, but I didn’t know you felt the same. It makes me so happy you do,” I said, batting my eyelashes and trying to look as innocent as possible, a shy smile on my lips.
“I’m so pleased to hear that. We were always meant to be together,” he proclaimed, smiling and leaning down to nuzzle my neck.
God, the guy had completely flipped if he believed me, and I could tell by the look on his face that he did. I tapped down on the feelings of disgust that made me want to shiver in revulsion and pressed on.
“I can’t wait to go away with you. Can’t you take me with you now?” I asked.
He chuckled.