I wouldn’t even consider the idea of not getting out of here. That meant never seeing Miki again, and that was so not happening. I’d known the guy for a short time, but I couldn’t imagine not being with him. It was kind of crazy, but it was the truth.
The very thought of Miki fortified my intent, and I knew I would do whatever it took to stay alive and get back to my man.
Thankfully, before Martin could do anything else to me, his phone rang.
“Fuck!” he stated, removing it from his pocket and leaving the room.
Thank god!
I sighed in relief, glad of the respite to get my thoughts together.
My whole body ached and my nipples stung like hell, but I was alive and that was all that mattered.
My reprieve didn’t last long. Martin returned a short time later, looking angry, but thankfully didn’t approach me.
He paced around the room, mumbling to himself, sniffing loudly and shooting glances my way every few seconds. The man was agitated as fuck. That didn’t bode well for me.
While he’d been away, I’d thought about my predicament and figured that Martin must have the key to my restraints somewhere on him. I needed to get it.
As I observed him, my eyes were continually drawn to the phone in his back pocket. That was another thing I needed. If I could get that phone, I could contact Miki, and he could rescue me.
So, I needed the phone and the key to my chains. I just didn’t have any idea how I was going to get them.
My eyes closed as despair washed over me, but I took a long, shuddering breath and pushed it aside. There would be an opportunity at some point; I just needed to be ready for it.
Meanwhile, I tried to remain calm, and not draw attention to myself again.
After a while, Martin went to the desk and sat before removing a little bag of what looked like heroin, a syringe, and some other paraphernalia.
Aw hell!
I hoped that wasn’t for me.
Thankfully, after preparing it, he stuck the syringe in his arm.
Quietly, I lay and watched him close his eyes and smile as he injected himself.
Why did I never realise this guy was an addict? Seriously, how the hell did I miss that?
Thinking back, I realised the signs were there, but I was not paying attention because I was too wrapped up in investigating him for corruption.
The guy was a user, but obviously he’d been a high-functioning one. The recent events must have changed that. He had seemed desperate for his fix, and that made him unpredictable. But could I use that? And how?
Martin sat in his blissful state for a few minutes before opening his eyes again.
Gulping, I saw when his focus switched to me, and his eyes slowly roamed over my body. A sense of dread built inside me. Eventually, he got up and strutted towards me, all smarmy confidence again.
Smirking, he stood above me, and I shuddered, my dread making my throat dry. He removed a knife from his pocket and made a show of flicking it open and closed, and open again.
“The boss said not to touch you, but I don’t think I will listen to him. I have a few hours to spare before I need to do some business. I’ve always fancied you. After the trouble you’ve been, I don’t think I should be denied fucking you!” he said, smiling at me, but unlike his usual smiles, this one was vicious.
“Seems to me that having a beautiful woman chained to my bed and not touching her would be a wasted opportunity.”
“Stay the fuck away from me!” I cried, pulling frantically at my chains, but there was still no give in them, and my efforts only made me feel exhausted.
My breath hitched and my eyes widened in terror as he put the knife against my skin. I froze, holding my breath as he cut my suit off, leaving me naked and vulnerable.
Oh my god, no, this cannot be happening!