“Now eat!” he barked in a tone that brooked no further argument.
Like all of my siblings, Marko was an annoying little bugger at times, but he was right. My body needed fuel, whether or not I felt like it. So, despite my stomach’s protests, I forced down the sandwich.
A while later, I was regretting it. My head was pounding, and my guts churning so much that the threat to lose every bit of what I’d eaten was very real.
My agitation grew as the hours clicked slowly by.
I was not a religious man, probably just as well given my line of business, but for the first time in forever, I sent up a silent prayer to the big guy begging him to help me find my Little Miss Red.
After being left in the boot for a while, I was unceremoniously hauled out and slung over the guy’s back again, in a move that knocked the wind out of me. The bastard wasn’t in the least gentle, and I was jostled about like a sack of potatoes.
Not long after, I was thrown onto a thin mattress so hard I bounced. My head banged off a metal frame, almost knocking me out.
“Ow!” I cried as I struggled to remain conscious.
While someone moved about the room, I desperately clutched the headboard and tried to sit up in a valiant attempt to escape. My limbs were stiff, and I was still groggy and weak from the aftereffects of whatever drug I’d been given, and I barely lifted my head before the man grabbed me again.
My cuffs were removed, and I was pinned back onto the mattress by a hand on my throat as a heavy body straddled me. Chains rattled, and my hands were roughly hauled above my head. A second later, my right wrist was secured in a metal cuff, and then my left, and I realised I was being chained to a bed. Fuck!
“Get the hell off me!” I cried.
The only response was a low chuckle and a tightening of the hand on my neck, making breathing hard. I desperately tried to breathe through my nose, but the air inside the hood was stale and only made me panic more.
Bucking my hips, I attempted to throw my captor off. It was useless.
Weak and nauseous from the after-effects of whatever drug he used on me, and with his weight on top and my lack of breath, all I could do was wiggle ineffectually under him. Not a brilliant idea, I realised too late. Something dug into my stomach, making me freeze. Oh fuck, no!
“Keep it up. I like it!” a voice whispered. It was Martin.
“Fuck you!” I cried.
“Be careful or you’ll get your wish,” the fucker stated with a chuckle, but thankfully, he moved.
As his weight lifted, I kicked out, unable to see but hoping to connect with whatever part of him I could. Thankfully, I did, and the asshole grunted in pain. I felt a second of satisfaction, but that was all, before I was punched hard in the stomach, knocking the breath from my body once more.
“Want to play rough, do you, babe? Don’t worry, I like it that way myself. Plenty of time for that later!” he chuckled again.
Oh, dear god no! Please no!
I was still trying hard to catch my breath while my legs were restrained, and I found myself once again unable to see and spreadeagled on a bed.
However, while being restrained similarly by Miki was exciting and sexy; it was bloody terrifying now! Especially as the towel I had wrapped around me when I was kidnapped had come off in the boot, and I only had my swimsuit on now. Thank God it was a one-piece, at least! Though I doubted it would be much protection if he planned on doing anything.
The bag over my head was finally ripped off, and I blinked hard. It took a minute for my eyes to regain focus after so long in the dark, and I cringed at the sight before me.
“Hi Eilidh, fancy meeting you here,” that fucker Martin said with a smarmy grin, but it wasn’t that which made me cringe. It was his appearance.
The usually handsome ladies’ man was gone. The man before me was dishevelled and unshaven, his clothes were rumpled and dirty, and his eyes were frightening. They were glazed with a hint of madness in their depths, and he looked high.
Oh, fuck!
He reached over and grabbed my hair, pulling hard.