“I agree.”
“Do you think Martin will be there, even though he’s in hiding now?” she asked.
“Yes, human trafficking was a lucrative business, and I doubt he will want to miss out on his share of the proceeds. Especially now that he’s on the run and will probably need all the money he can get,” I replied.
Even if Johnson was planning to leave the country, which I expected him to do, I imagined the cocky bastard would likely stick around to exploit one last opportunity to make some money.
My Cousin Viktor in New York had a friend who gave him the details of an Interpol officer who wasn’t corrupt, and I intended to use him to create a sting operation. With Eilidh’s colleagues taking part in the trafficking and hopefully Mathieson there too, they could all be caught in the one trap.
“And you trust this Interpol officer?” Eilidh asked, chewing on her lip.
“My cousin vouched for him, so yes, I do.”
She nodded.
“So, the plan is to involve Interpol, get them to arrange a sting to intercept a human trafficking handover, and in the process, catch the Thomas gang, Mathieson, and Roy and the others red-handed?” Eilidh asked as she summarised things.
My sexy detective grinned.
“And on top of that, we get to stop a major human trafficking ring?” Eilidh asked, sounding impressed.
“We do,” I confirmed, grinning back.
“Brilliant plan,” she said, beaming at me, and I couldn’t stop my chest from puffing up a bit at her approval.
Stopping a human trafficking gang was definitely a tremendous bonus. However, the icing on the cake was that by taking out one of Jim MacArthur’s biggest rivals and thus removing a thorn from his side, he would owe me, and that would be a benefit during our future negotiations.
After Interpol had caught the traffickers, they would investigate everyone involved further. Homes and offices would be searched, and all the other evidence of their crimes would be uncovered. Including the murder of Eilidh’s dad and Timmy Neilson. Everyone involved would then go to jail for a very long time after that.
Or that’s what I told Eilidh, anyway. What I didn’t tell her was that they could all go to jail for all I cared except for Mathieson. He was mine.
Oh, and that bastard Johnson! I reminded myself. I wanted him too.
The exact details of how I would grab them were still being worked out, but basically I would do it during the chaos caused when Interpol arrived.
When summarised, the plan sounded simple. However, these things rarely were. Nevertheless, I’d do everything I could to ensure it was.
The two guys with us, Boris and Akim, who were tailing Mathieson, would continue to do so to ensure that he did indeed go to the handover. If he changed his mind, we would need to be ready to grab him elsewhere.
My best friend Luca was driving up from London to join us, so he could help.
At the time of the operation, Eilidh would stay here with Marko and me where we could ensure her safety. Vlad and Luca would go to the handover site and grab Mathieson and Johnson, and they would then take them directly back to London to be kept at the C until I got home.
Marko had already contacted the Interpol officer anonymously and started the ball rolling.
As Bratva, the least involvement we had, the better. However, like my father before me, I was aware of how much easier it was to let others do my dirty work and get rid of my enemies when possible. Especially when those enemies were people whose disappearance or murder would draw too much unwanted attention.
That was why getting Interpol to deal with this for us was an ideal solution.
My brother had also hacked the phones of Eilidh’s colleagues, and Vlad had placed trackers on their cars so we could monitor them until the operation took place.
So, the plan had been set in motion and all that was left was to finalise the intricacies.
Once we’d finished discussing what was in place so far, Eilidh’s questioning of the night before began. Just as I’d suspected it would.
My Little Miss Red had stood up part of the way through her interrogation and now paced the floor. The pinched expression and annoyance in her eyes told me she was not amused by my actions.