Page 67 of Miki

“Erm, no you can’t,” she said, sounding frustrated.

“Can and I will,” I mumbled between bites, and tried to keep from smirking. God, she was sexy when she was all riled up.

Of course, she was sexy all the time, I thought as I took in how she sat glaring at me with her hands on her hips.

When I said nothing and just continued to finish my sandwich, she huffed out a breath.

“You’re infuriating!”

With a wink, I grinned at her. I’d been told that a lot. Especially by my siblings. I was used to getting my way, so she’d need to get used to that.

“Okay, I tell you what. You can loan me the money until I get a payment through from the insurance company. Then I’m paying you back.” She stated like it was a done deal.

Smiling in amusement, I let her think she’d won the argument.

There was no way I would accept the money back, but she didn’t need to know that right now. My woman was independent, so getting used to being looked after would take her some time. However, I intended to ensure that she was thoroughly looked after in every way so she would indeed get used to it.

“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” I said before pulling her off her seat and on to my lap.

After a long and extremely enjoyable kiss, I stood up and set her on her feet.

As much as I wanted to continue kissing her, and a lot more, we had stuff to do before I could indulge myself.

My unruly cock jerked in protest, but I ignored him. There’d be time for him to have his fun later.

“Go call your insurance company and then we will talk about everything else,” I said, patting her bum as she took her phone and headed to the sofa.

Looking over her shoulder, she threw me a saucy wink and emphasised her wiggle.

I laughed at her antics. It was good to hear the sound. I didn’t laugh as much as I would like to these days because the pressures of my responsibilities weighed me down. Eilidh’s mere presence lightened my world, and I loved her for it.

As Eilidh talked with her insurance company, I went to speak with Marko, who’d moved into the suite next door with Vlad and our other guys so I could be alone with Eilidh in ours.

A short while later, I returned to our rooms filled with anticipation. My plan was coming together, and it was time to involve my Little Miss Red.

She was just hanging up on a call when I entered.

“Did you get everything sorted out?” I asked.

“Yes, it will take a while for the claim to go through, but they didn’t foresee any problems. I also called the bank. They will issue me with a new card and arrange for me to get some emergency cash,” she said, smiling when I wrapped my arms around her.

“Good. Well, let me know if you need my help with anything,” I said, leading her over to the sofa.

“It’s time to talk, sweetheart.”

Settling into the seat with my arm around her shoulders, I told Eilidh everything Marko had learned about Mathieson’s involvement in human trafficking, and how he was the actual leader behind the Thomas gang.

That knowledge was as much of a shock to her as it had been for us.

We also discussed what she’d found and my belief that each of the corrupt bastards were keeping files on the others, as none of them really trusted each other. There was no loyalty between their kind, and that made them unpredictable, but it also meant they could be used against one another if needed. However, it looked like we’d be able to take all the bastards down together, and that was the plan.

The informant from the Thomas gang had told me their next batch of trafficked girls would be due in four days at an old factory in the Govan area of Glasgow. Some girls would be selected to remain in Scotland, and the others would be split up and sent elsewhere.

Apparently, during the handover, Mathieson himself would be there to inspect the cargo along with the four corrupt officers from the CID.

“Bloody pigs!” Eilidh exclaimed.

“I can’t believe anyone could treat another human being like property to be bought and sold,” she said, shaking her head in disgust.