Page 64 of Miki

“What man?”

She mumbled, “Shit,” under her breath.

“Eilidh, what haven’t you told me?” I asked through gritted teeth.

With a sigh, she relayed the story about following Martin and the conversation she’d heard with the mystery man.

Now I knew what had prompted her change of heart about working with me and exchanging information.

“You should have told me,” I told her firmly.

“I know, but I wasn’t sure if I could truly trust you at that time, or if my being in danger would really matter to you,” she said.


“Eilidh, you being in danger very much matters to me. You matter to me! And you can trust me, I swear.”

I turned her face toward me.

“Is there anything else you need to tell me?” I asked gently.

She shook her head.

“Good. You are special, Eilidh,” I said, watching as her eyes widened, then she gulped and licked her bottom lip.

“I know we have only known each other for a short time, and we still have a lot to learn about one another, but I already have feelings for you. I’ve never felt as connected to anyone as I do to you, and I want very much to see where this relationship between us can go.”

Little Miss Red blinked a few times. I hadn’t wanted to lay all my cards on the table just yet, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself as I stared into her eyes.

“Eilidh, I want a chance to really be with you. Is that something you would like?” I asked, holding my breath as I waited for her to respond.

“Yes,” she said, smiling shyly.

Yes! I felt like leaping up and shouting for joy but refrained and settled for grinning at her instead.

“Good, and tomorrow, when you are feeling better, I’m going to show you exactly how I feel about you. But for now, you need to rest. We both do,” I said, leaning over to brush a light kiss on her forehead.

Turning her back around, I settled in behind her again.

“Sleep, sweetheart.”

Nodding, she snuggled close and after a few minutes, her breathing changed, and she drifted off as I held her tight.




My eyes flickered and slowly opened. Light filtered in from the window, illuminating the room in a soft glow.

The back of my skull ached and something heavy was wrapped around my waist. No, not something; someone. Miki.

His big body was spooning me from behind.

Lying there in the warmth of his embrace, I listened to his soft snores as he slept. It was comforting. I wouldn’t mind waking up this way every morning.

After everything he said last night, it seemed that we were both feeling exactly the same about each other, and that gave me a warm glow inside.