“Yes,” I replied, lifting my chin in a silent challenge.
Huffing out a breath, he sneered again.
I moved towards him, ready to punch him in the mouth, but Vlad took that moment to step into view. He shook his head at me, and I forced myself to rein in my temper.
I’d deal with this prick another time.
Dismissing me, he turned his head back towards Eilidh.
“You know where I am if you need me,” he told her, then thankfully left, glaring at me as he went.
Standing in the doorway, my hands tightly fisted, I watched him leave, and made myself a silent promise to myself that the next time we met, he wouldn’t survive to walk away.
“It’s a good job I got back in time, or we’d be having to explain why you’d killed a cop,” Vlad said. “You’re not normally so easily riled,” he observed quietly.
Pushing a hand through my hair, I huffed out an annoyed breath. Vlad was right. I rarely ever lost my cool. Or at least not with anyone other than my siblings and Romi, but the events of the evening had taken its toll. I was exhausted, stressed and downright pissed, not to mention still suffering from the aftereffects of the terror I’d felt at almost losing Eilidh.
“The hospital shop only had pyjamas, but the ones I got should fit,” Vlad said, handing me a bag.
“Go in to your woman and get some rest. I’ve got your back.”
Nodding in gratitude, I left him sitting on a chair directly outside the room and closed the door.
“Boyfriend, huh?”
Eilidh asked with a smirk.
“Oh, I intend to be your boyfriend, Little Miss Red. In fact, I intend to be a lot more,” I said, stalking towards her with a wicked grin.
“I intend to be your everything,” I told her as I gently took her head in my hands.
Careful to avoid her sore spot, I kissed her. She moaned, and I climbed onto the bed with her. Stretching out beside her, we hugged and kissed until my cock threatened to burst out of my pants.
I was desperate to take her right there and then, but she was injured and exhausted and so finally I reluctantly pulled away. Eilidh tried to cling to me, but I gently remove her hands from me and stood.
“You need to sleep, baby.”
“What about you?” she asked.
“I’ll sleep in the chair,” I told her, sitting back in the chair I’d settled in before.
“Why don’t you come and lie here beside me?” she said.
Scooting over, she made room for me and patted the space.
“Come on. I’ll rest better if your with me. Please?” she said with a mischievous pout.
How could I refuse?
It was a narrow single hospital bed, but I didn’t mind getting up close and personal with my Little Miss Red, so I agreed.
Eilidh lay down and moved onto her side, and I pressed myself behind her, holding her close. She let out a satisfied sigh, and I smiled. This was the way I wanted things to be from now on.
“I can’t believe that asshole came to see me!” she said.
“It had to be him, one of my other colleagues, or perhaps that man he was talking to the other night, who attacked me at the house.”
I tensed.