They knew!
The bastards had found out I was on to them and tried to kill me. Just like they had killed my dad.
Suddenly, I was filled with a rage more powerful than anything I’d ever felt before, and I practically vibrated with anger.
These men needed to be stopped. They had to pay for their crimes.
Staring at my home being consumed by smoke as fire fighters tried to control the blaze, I vowed I would do whatever it took to make that happen. I wasn’t even sure that I cared how they paid now; just that they did.
With a shaky hand, I touched the back of my head and winced as I felt the lump forming. I was going to have one heck of a headache later. But at least I was alive.
As I watched the firefighters from the second engine join the others, a feeling of utter despair hit me. My vision blurred as tears slowly ran down my cheeks.
My home was gone!
The place I’d grown up with my dad was in flames. All our stuff, all our memories, were going up in smoke.
A sob broke free as the floodgates opened.
Miki tightened his arms about me, hugging me close.
“You’re safe now, baby. Let it all out,” he murmured, stroking my hair in a soothing gesture.
So, I did.
Great sobs wracked my body and tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. There was no stopping them.
With every tear, my mind assaulted me with images of all my treasured memories being slowly destroyed by the flames. All I had left were the clothes on my back and they stunk of smoke and would likely not recover.
My world had been turned upside down when my dad had been murdered, but I’d clung to my life as an officer, my colleagues, especially Uncle Roy, and my treasured memories to get me through it all.
They’d been my lifeline when I’d felt like I was drowning. But over the last few weeks, bit by bit, that lifeline had been systematically destroyed, until there was nothing left.
As my sexy Russian’s arms tightened around me, I realised that wasn’t true. There was him. Held firmly in Miki’s arms, I felt safe and no longer alone.
That thought helped, and my sobs quietened down to mere sniffles.
While I lay there in his arms, I was struck by the fact that if I hadn’t decided to work with him and sent him copies of all the evidence I had collected, tonight all of my hard work would have been for nothing.
As it was, the only thing that had been lost was Martin’s notebook. I hadn’t had time to copy that properly and had planned on handing it over to Marko for him to decipher. I guessed we’d likely never know what all the information inside meant. But at least that was all the evidence we’d lost.
The paramedics arrived, and I didn’t protest when Miki carried me to the ambulance. Inside, he kept me firmly on his lap as the medic examined me and again I didn’t protest. After what had happened, I needed him close, and I could tell, by his reluctance to allow any distance between us, that he felt the same.
As the doors to the ambulance closed, I got one last look at what was left of my house and a fresh wave of sorrow washed over me as I mourned the loss of all I had ever known.
Miki was making soothing circle motions on my back that comforted me. Relaxing against his chest, the thought that my past had gone up in smoke, but my future held me firmly in his arms, entered my mind.
Wait, what? My future?
No, that was just my vulnerability talking. I still wasn’t sure if we could be anything more than temporary.
However, one thing I was sure of was that he was here with me in the present, and I was comforted by that. In fact, as his warmth seeped into me, my body became aware of our closeness, and suddenly, and very inappropriately, perked up.
My nipples hardened through my soaked top and my core clenched.
Not the time, Eilidh!
My eyes felt puffy and sore, my head throbbed, my hair was a sodden mess and my clothes stunk of smoke.