Then, as I got older, he would put his arm around me or give me a peck on the forehead whenever I visited. It had all felt natural enough then. Now, after seeing the picture of the young woman in that passport, it gave me the bloody creeps.
“No,” I said, moving away from him.
After that, I’d taken my notebook out and got started on my paperwork, ignoring everyone until Miki messaged.
The sexting had been another great distraction from the presence of the men I’d grown to despise.
However, here I was again, stuck with one of them.
At least he didn’t flirt with me like Martin did or get in my personal space like Roy. He was also quiet. The Sarge wasn’t one for small talk and I was glad about that.
As we reached the scene of the stabbing and he strutted around giving orders to the uniformed officers and our forensic team, I was struck by how good at his job he actually was, and I fucking hated him for it.
A cop who was as good as him shouldn’t be corrupt.
To be honest, all of my colleagues were good at their jobs, which was probably how they could hide their corruption so well for all of these years.
However, the Serge had a certain flair about him that always reminded me of one of those detectives off the telly from years ago. Columbo, he was called. My dad had liked him.
It galled me that men who should have remained on the right side of the law had not only gone bad but had likely been involved in the murder of their friend and colleague who hadn’t.
Every day, it got harder not to confront these bastards. I was desperate to let them know I knew what slimy toads they were. But I couldn’t. Not yet.
Not just because of the danger I’d put myself in. But if I disclosed what I knew, they could destroy the evidence before an official investigation could take place.
Then it would be my word against theirs. Me, the newbie detective with unresolved issues over my dad’s murder, against four seasoned and respected officers. Nobody would believe me, and I’d lose everything, but most of all, I’d lose the chance of justice for my dad. Possibly even my life.
So, I kept my anger wrapped tightly in a ball in the pit of my stomach and got on with my job.
When we finally finished, it was one o’clock in the morning and I was completely shattered. I’d sent a text to Miki earlier to say I’d no idea what time I’d be done, and I’d see him tomorrow night instead.
My eyelids were heavy, my neck ached, and my movements were sluggish as I climbed into my car and headed home with only one thought in my head: sleep.
Despite it being the end of August, it was pitch black and raining heavily by the time I got home, and I hurried inside. As I took off my jacket and went to hang it up, something hit me on the back of the head. The force of the blow made me dizzy, and I cried out in pain as I staggered and fell, hitting the ground with a thud that jarred my whole body, and suddenly everything went black.
After Eilidh text again to say she was still stuck at work and wouldn’t be over tonight, I dragged myself to bed filled with disappointment.
Unable to settle, I tossed and turned for a while before giving up on sleep.
Although I knew Eilidh wouldn’t be finished working until very late and had to get up early again tomorrow, I needed to see her. She might not have come to me tonight, but I intended to go to her. I wanted her in my arms again, even if it was only to sleep.
It was crazy how quickly the sexy detective had got under my skin, but nothing felt right without her.
When I’d seen the way Romi and Glowacki had looked at their brides with love in their eyes, I’d been admittedly jealous. I’d thought I would never be lucky enough to feel that way.
Yet in just a few short days, here I was smitten with a woman who should be my enemy but was instead my obsession. A woman I believed was my future.
There were still obstacles in our way, secrets that could make or break us, but I held on to the hope that we’d work it all out.
Loving Eilidh was a risk, but it was one I couldn’t stop myself from taking. Trusting her with the secrets of my life, however, was a different matter. I couldn’t risk the repercussions to my family, and my Brotherhood, if she betrayed me.
I’d need to tread carefully, continue to build her trust and gain her loyalty. Then, when I was sure she had developed genuine feelings for me, I would tell her who I was.