Eilidh had a way of bringing out the lighter side to my character that I’d thought I’d buried with my parents when I’d taken over as pakhan. There had been no time for light-hearted fun since then, and certainly no time for flirting.
The few relationships I’d had over the last five years had been more like business arrangements for mutual convenience and based entirely on sex.
I had a few ladies I contacted when I had an itch to scratch, and a bit of do-it-yourself wouldn’t suffice and in return, they enjoyed some no strings attached fun. However, we didn’t date; we didn’t flirt and we sure as heck didn’t sext.
A short while later, my phone vibrated again. Finally! Disappointment flooded me as I read the message.
“Sorry, something’s come up. I’ve got to go. I’ll get back to you.”
Damn it! I’d really been enjoying myself. Oh well, it couldn’t be helped.
“Okay. Be careful!”
Little Miss Red sent a thumbs up, and the conversation was over.
Vlad entered the suite at that point.
“Who’s on Eilidh?” I asked.
“Boris,” he replied.
Good, Boris was an excellent tracker, almost as good as Trigger and Vlad. He’d ensure Eilidh stayed safe while she was at work.
Or he had better. If anything happened to my sexy detective while he or any of my men were supposed to be taking care of her, I’d kill them.
The phone rang, disturbing my thoughts. It was Viktor. He provided me with the information I’d been looking for.
A few minutes after I’d hung up on him, Jim rang.
“Did you get me someone?” I asked him.
“Yeah, one of my guys is in the lobby with him now, if you want to go talk to him,” he said.
“Do you trust him?”
“Normally I wouldn’t trust any of the Thomas gang, but they killed his brother a couple of weeks ago and he’s out for revenge. I’d say this plan of yours will be exactly what he’s looking for. Add some cash into the mix and I’m pretty sure he’d be more than happy to agree.”
“Great. I’ll be in touch,” I told him before hanging up and heading for the lift.
The guy was indeed happy to sell his gang out for revenge, and I was more than happy to exploit the fact. As I watched him leave the hotel with Jim’s man, I grinned.
Finally, things were coming together.
Biting my bottom lip to contain my grin, I read Miki’s text.
Who knew my Mr Sexy Lips would be the type to sext?
We were having fun, and things were getting interesting when the Sarge shouted.
“Eilidh, you’re with me. There’s been a fatal stabbing over in the East End.”
My mood plummeted.