Page 53 of Miki

She should have received the flowers I sent to her work by now. I hoped she liked them. They were part of my plan to woo her, but I’d also sent them to the station deliberately because I wanted her colleagues to know that Eilidh was no longer alone.

My sexy detective needed backup, and I was going to provide it, however I could.

Grabbing my phone, I typed out a quick text to her.

“Did you get the roses?”

A few minutes later, my phone vibrated in response.

“Yes. They are beautiful. Thank you.”

Smiling, I text another message.

“What time are you coming over tonight?”

“When do you want me?”

“Immediately and preferably naked in my bed!”

The little dots moved, and I waited with bated breath for her reply. Excitement coursed through me. This was fun.

“Are you planning on using your belt again? And will you be wearing your balaclava this time?”

I read the reply and burst out laughing as I imagined her amused expression as she’d typed that out.

“Not unless you’re naughty. And only if you want me to.”

The dots moved again, then stopped, then moved again.

God, I hoped I hadn’t scared her off… Nah, don’t be stupid. Had I?

Finally, her reply came, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Into spanking, are you?”

She’d added the wink emoji.

Oh, did she like that idea? Was she into it?

I liked that idea. My cock thickened at the thought. Oh yes. I could definitely be in to that.

Shit, what should I say? Think, man!

“I could be. LOL.”

“Ooh, now I’m wondering what else you might be into.”

This really was fun.

“We’ll have to explore the possibilities.”

There was no reply.

Was that too much? Should I call her?

God, I was out of practise with flirting.

Not that I’d ever flirted via text before. This was all new to me.