Page 47 of Miki

God, she was cute when she was embarrassed. I’d have to make that happen more often.

Russians weren’t known for public displays of affection, but we were half Italian, so it wasn’t unusual for us. And I was more than happy to show my growing affection for my Little Miss Red in front of Marko, or anyone else for that matter. In fact, I’d be proud to do it. The world needed to know she was mine, and I was hers. A sense of rightness settled over me at that thought.

After glancing between Marko and myself, Eilidh cleared her throat and spoke, “I think we should work together after all.”

“I agree!” I stated and noted Marko’s look of surprise.

He recovered quickly, throwing me a questioning look from behind her back, which I ignored.

“This is my brother Marko,” I told her, gesturing towards him as he came to stand beside us.

“Hi,” she said, smiling.

“Hi, Little Miss Red, I have heard a lot about you,” he stated, taking her hand and kissing it, as he gave me a mischievous look.

Annoyed, I pushed him away from her.

“Keep your kisses to yourself,” I said, my jealousy clear.

Eilidh raised her eyebrows and smirked as Marko sniggered.

Damn it!

I’d wanted to play things cool and seduce her slowly but surely, earning her trust. Yet, I’d already kissed her and showed my possessiveness, and she had only been in the room a few minutes.

Oh well, I didn’t really like games anyway, so it was best that she knew how deeply she affected me and that what had happened between us was more than just sex.

However, her mere presence interfered with my equilibrium, and I needed to regain some control. Otherwise, I’d be divulging all my secrets before I was ready.

“It would appear I underestimated you. I didn’t think you’d find me, Detective. Although I am very pleased you have,” I said, emphasising the word detective.

I wondered how the hell she did, but at the same time, I was thoroughly impressed.

“Well, you tracked me down. It seemed only fair I returned the favour. So, I did my homework,” she replied with a smirk.

“When did you find out who I was?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

“The day after we met,” I told her truthfully.

“Like you, I do my homework,” I said in a playful tone with a wink.

She nodded, looking at Marko with suspicion. Her lips pursed and I could almost hear her brain working as she put two and two together, beginning to understand that Marko was the person relaying information to me during our time at Mathieson’s office.

“Tell me what you have discovered about Mathieson,” she demanded with a tone of authority that brooked no argument. Little Miss Red had put her police hat on.

“I’m happy to share,” I said with a smile.

Marko’s mouth twisted with uncertainty. My Little Miss Red shot me a triumphant grin.

“Let’s share what we know and work together. If you think you can,” I said, opting for a more formal tone like her and trying my best not to sound too eager. I wasn’t sure what had brought her here or why she’d changed her mind about working together, but I didn’t want to scare her off after her reluctance the other night.

“Fine!” she said, holding out her hand for me to shake.

She was definitely being all business now, and I’d play along, if that made her more comfortable, but only for a while.

“Come sit down and we’ll talk.”

Placing my hand lightly on her waist, I drew her over to the sofa. Unlike the other night, I didn’t pull her on to my lap, but god how I wanted to. My cock gave a jerk in agreement.