Hell, I wanted to do just that. My palms itched to grab him to me, but I restrained myself, turned away from his gorgeousness and forced my hands to put on my hello kitty pyjamas instead. They weren’t sexy, but at least they were cute, and I would not go searching around my drawers for something more flattering when he was about to leave.
My heart sunk as we finally faced each other again, fully clothed. This was it, the end of whatever was going on between us. Sorrow threatened to overwhelm me at the thought of never seeing him again. Geez, I had it bad. I really didn’t want him to leave, which was utterly crazy.
When Miki first appeared in my house, I hadn’t wanted him in my space, but it wasn’t because I thought he would hurt me. Not knowing him, I should have been more concerned about that, yet I hadn’t really felt danger from him. Oh, he was dangerous, that I knew without a doubt, but I hadn’t believed he was a danger to me. However, the real reason I hadn’t wanted him in my home was because I was insanely attracted to him, and that was not good.
There was more to this man than he let on and I had to admit I was intrigued by him, but with everything else going on in my life, I didn’t want to know more. It wouldn’t do me any good to get any more involved with him anyway because we were worlds apart and there was no changing that.
Police officers and criminals didn’t mix. Well, not unless the police officer was corrupt and while I might break the law to bring killers to justice, I wasn’t now and never would be a corrupt police officer.
Despite saying he was a businessman; I knew Miki had to be some sort of criminal. I believed what he told me about Mathieson and his reason for breaking into the office was true; it was all the parts he missed out that put my police senses on full alert.
A normal businessman would go to the police with their problems or, at the very least, hire a private investigator, but he wouldn’t be running around illegally breaking into offices by himself. And he definitely wouldn’t be so adept at doing it.
My Mr Sexy Lips was not the innocent businessman he pretended to be. Just exactly what he was involved in, however, I didn’t know. And that was the reason we couldn’t work together even though I could use the help.
We stared at each other for what seemed like ages, neither of us saying anything and neither making a move. Tension crackled between us. It seemed we were both reluctant to end this. Shit, this was hard.
Eventually, he broke the silence.
“Cute,” he said as he scanned me up and down.
Laughing to lighten the mood further, I gave him a quick twirl.
A slow, sexy smile spread over his face, and he chuckled as I finished the twirl with a flourish.
Fuck, I could lose myself in that smile and those gorgeous grey eyes. Damn, I really had it bad. This was why I hadn’t wanted him in my house.
I’d fallen hard in lust before, but after a quick fuck, it would normally be over with. These things always fizzled out fast. What we just did should have been enough to get him out of my system. That was the only reason I allowed it to happen. We’d wanted each other, and we’d scratched an itch, but that really should have been the end.
So, why wasn’t it?
Because this is way more than lust!
Shit, I knew I should have made him leave.
Too late now! That bloody little voice said, sounding way too gleeful.
That’s when I realised it wasn’t over. It didn’t matter that we shouldn’t see one another again; it was inevitable. This was not the last time we would get down and dirty.
However, I needed to be cautious; I didn’t know whom I was dealing with, and I may be enamoured by him, but I couldn’t afford to let that influence me. The man was hiding something, and until I knew what it was, he couldn’t be fully trusted.
So, I needed to learn who he was, after all.
As Miki sauntered towards me, I made a show of fishing around inside my bag before pulling out a lip balm and applying it.
“What do you plan on doing about Mathieson now, Eilidh?” he asked me.
“Get the evidence I need and bring him to justice!” I stated as I walked purposefully towards him, rubbing my lips together, successfully getting his attention where I wanted it.
“Well, be careful,” he said, his eyes riveted to my mouth.
When I reached him, he took me in his arms and kissed me briefly on the lips. Before he could let go, I grabbed him around the waist and gave him a quick hug.
The minute I let go, he turned and, without looking back, rushed out of the bedroom door. A few seconds later, the front door closed. He was gone.
Bye Mr Sexy Lips. See you soon.
Smirking, I went to the bathroom to clean myself up.