“Well?” she demanded, and I blinked suddenly back in the room again.
Geez, I had to get a grip on my unruly thoughts. It dawned on me that perhaps I should let her move off my lap after all, but I dismissed the thought as soon as I had it. No, it might be torture having her sit on me, but it was the most exquisite torture I’d ever endured, and I was quickly becoming addicted to it. So, I kept her there.
However, I needed to conduct an exchange of information and so I had to stop being distracted. Taking a deep breath, I focused on what I had to say.
“I am a businessman. Aiden Mathieson has been behind several attacks on my businesses and my family, but I don’t know why. I was at his office the other night to find out.”
I had told her the truth, but kept things as vague as possible.
“And did you?” she asked.
“Not yet. That’s why I’m here. To learn what you know,” I replied.
“What sort of attacks?”
“Ones that cost my family and that of a close friends family dearly,” I told her.
She looked at me and pursed her lips, well aware that I was holding back and not willing to divulge any more.
It wasn’t possible. Not when she was a police officer. Revealing too much could be the biggest mistake of my life. She might be a sexy little thing, but that didn’t mean I could trust her. In fact, it probably meant I should definitely not. If I wasn’t careful, I’d lose myself in her and end up disclosing information that could get me jailed, or worse, dead.
Changing tactics, she asked, “What’s your name?”
“You can call me Miki,” I said.
Divulging the nickname I went by wasn’t an issue. Lots of people were called Miki. She didn’t know my full name and hadn’t seen my face, so it was doubtful she would find out who I was. Or at least that’s what I told myself, but deep down, I knew that I simply wanted to hear her say my name. Just once.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Miki,” she said with a smirk.
“It’s nice to meet you, Eilidh,” I replied, and I swear my heart leapt in my chest at the sound of my name from her lips.
God, I had it bad. This was so not good. I needed to move things on and leave before I did something stupid.
“Now you,” I stated with a nod of encouragement.
Eilidh stared at me, her eyes narrowing as she looked deep into mine. I could see her police brain working. She was sizing me up. Little Miss Red knew I was dangerous and likely a criminal, despite my businessman façade. After all, what sort of businessman breaks into office buildings? Shady ones: I had no doubt she was thinking.
However, she had done the same. Why? There was a story behind that, and I wanted to know what it was. I wanted to know everything about her.
My body leaned towards hers of its own accord as I silently watched her debate what information she would divulge and what she would hold back. I understood. After all, I had done exactly the same.
Her frown was the cutest thing, and her pursed lips called to me to kiss them.
God, she was distracting. I gave myself a mental shake.
Get your head in the game, man! I chided myself.
“Talk,” I said, then pressed my lips firmly together, so they didn’t pucker up and plant themselves on hers again as they really wanted to do.
“My father was a police officer, and he was killed on duty almost three years ago. I think Aiden Mathieson had him killed,” she stated.
Well, shit! I hadn’t expected that. I’d already learned about her dad’s murder and that nobody had been arrested for it. However, I hadn’t connected it with her being at Mathieson’s office.
“Why do you think that?”
Eilidh bit her bottom lip and squirmed in my lap again, obviously unsure if she should tell me.
As she unconsciously squirmed, her bottom rubbed across my hard as fuck cock. She needed to stop doing that; it was becoming too difficult to ignore. If she continued, I was going to end up throwing caution to the wind and take her right here on the sofa. My control was about done.