This investigation was taking its toll on me. The quicker I found someone to get my evidence to, the better. It was time to get some sleep. I obviously needed it. My nerves were frayed.
It was getting late when I finally approached Little Miss Red’s house, doing my best to ignore the way my heartbeat increased and my stomach churned with excitement the closer I got to her home. It was simply the thought of discovering what she knew, I told myself, and nothing at all to do with seeing the sexy little siren again. Nope, nothing at all!
There were no lights on, and her car wasn’t in the driveway, so I figured she was out. I’d no idea where she might be at this time, but it didn’t matter. I planned on waiting for her, anyway.
Breaking into her home was easy with the help of Marko’s hacking skills. Her alarm was disabled in no time and taking a leaf from her book, Marko had provided me with a skeleton key to her door, which worked perfectly.
Since she wasn’t home, I took the opportunity to look around. There were some photographs of Eilidh with an older man, who, from the family resemblance, I presumed was her dad. There was an old one of him in a police uniform.
That fit with what Marko had found out about her. He’d said her dad had been a police officer but was killed on duty and the person responsible hadn’t been found.
Careful not to disturb anything, I planted a bug in her home phone and cameras around the house. Once I had them in place, I settled down in the leather armchair in her living room, and checked the feed to make sure I’d set them up correctly, as I waited.
The minutes stretched on as I sat there in the dark with only the ticking of the clock on the wall breaking the silence. With nothing else to occupy me, my mind bombarded me with thoughts of her and no matter how I tried, I couldn’t shut them down. Every second of our encounter replayed in my mind, and with each memory, my cock grew harder.
Fuck, I wanted that woman!
Groaning, I tried to shut down my thoughts; nothing could happen between us, I reminded myself, just as the front door opened and in walked the source of my fantasies.
Excitement filled me. My woman was home.
Damn it! She’s not mine! I scolded myself.
Eilidh wasn’t my anything. She couldn’t be. I tried to convince myself of that, but it was no good. It didn’t seem to matter that she was supposed to be my enemy; the woman had got under my skin and there was no denying it.
My eyes feasted on the sight of her, taking her in fully for the first time as she turned on the hall light and removed her jacket.
She was wearing a silky-looking t-shirt which matched her amber eyes, a sexy short brown mini skirt which revealed smooth bare thighs and brown knee-high boots. The effect had me almost salivating.
She was even more beautiful than I’d realised and that mass of long red hair which was no longer hidden away was magnificent. Truly magnificent, and I ached to run my fingers through it.
She didn’t see me sitting in the dark and as she turned to head upstairs; I called out.
“Evening, Little Miss Red.”
She gasped, twisting to look in my direction, squinting into the darkness.
As I stood and moved towards the light, her eyes widened. It was obvious she recognised my outfit from the evening before because, thankfully; she didn’t scream or run. But I could tell she was thinking about it, as her eyes flicked to the front door and back again.
“Don’t be afraid, sweetheart,” I told her.
“I just came to talk.”
“What the fuck? How did you get in here? And how did you find me?” she asked in a rush of questions.
I chuckled.
“No plans on fucking you tonight. Through the front door, and I have my ways,” I answered as I walked towards her.
“Don’t come any closer,” she said, backing up a step.
Doing as she asked, I stopped a few feet away from her, far enough for her to feel safe but close enough to catch her if she ran.