Page 26 of Miki

“He’s as corrupt as they come, and bloody smart with it. The polis cannae pin anything on the slimy wee git,” Jim told me, his accent becoming thicker the more he drank.

“That’s because he’s got so many of them in his pocket!” Jamie said.

“Yeah, rumour has it that the DCI himself is one of Mathieson’s men,” Drew added.


“Who’s that?” I asked.

“Detective Chief Constable Roy Allen. If the rumours are true, he’s been working with Mathieson and the Thomas gang for years. Since so much of the evidence against them is lost or destroyed. I’d say that was likely true,” Drew further clarified.

“He’s not averse to planting evidence for Mathieson, either. That’s how several of our men are rotting in jail right now,” Jamie told me.

We continued to talk about Mathieson and his pet police officer a bit more before it was finally time to leave, and we said our goodbyes.

Back at the hotel, I called Ash to check on things in London and quickly updated him on my productive meeting with Jim. Ash had everything under control. Simpson was under twenty-four-hour surveillance, and Marko’s guys had hacked his phone and email to ensure he didn’t double-cross us and warn Mathieson that we were on to him.

The rest of the afternoon I worked on my laptop answering emails and looking over reports, but I couldn’t stop my thoughts from drifting to Little Miss Red and wondering what her reaction would be when I sneaked into her house tonight.

Hopefully, despite the unorthodox entrance I had planned, she’d be amenable to providing me with whatever information she had on the guy.

We’d played back the video from the break in and saw exactly what she’d done. Breaking into Mathieson’s safe was impressive. Little Miss Red had skills.

She certainly does! The little voice in my head agreed, making me smirk.

My mind took me back to the encounter we had, and I licked my lips in anticipation of spending more time with the hot little Scottish lass I was longing to taste again.

My daydream was just getting to a good bit when Marko mumbled, “Shit!”

“What is it?” I asked as his curse pulled me from my thoughts.

“Your Little Miss Red is a cop!” he stated, sounding shocked.

“What?” I asked, looking at him sharply. He was kidding, right?

“Yep, a cop, one of Police Scotland’s finest,” he said, a grin spreading across his face.

Shit! A cop? Surely not?

“You were kissing a cop!” he teased, waggling his eyebrows at me.

“No, I wasn’t,” I said, glaring at him. Not believing him. He had to be teasing me.

He laughed.

“Oh yes, you were. And loved every second. We heard you, remember?” he teased me again, grinning and making stupid kissing sounds which reminded me of Sonia.

I sighed, trying to stop my lips from twitching at his stupid antics. Sometimes I wondered if I was the only grownup in my family.

“What’s going on?” Vlad asked, emerging from his bedroom where he’d gone for a nap.

“That woman Miki was kissing is a cop,” Marko said.

“He’s kidding,” I told Vlad, desperate for it to be true.

“Nope,” Marko replied, shaking his head, and his wide grin showed just how much he was enjoying this. Little shit!

“Meet the newly promoted Detective Constable Eilidh Campbell,” he said, as he turned his laptop to face us with a flourish.