“No,” I gasped out as Siri pulled me closer to him.
“The blood?” Romi asked sounding panicked.
“Not mine,” I croaked as Siri’s huge hand tightened even more. He had moved me in front of him and was using me as a shield.
“I won’t tell you again. Drop the gun,” Siri said, pressing harder against my windpipe making it difficult to breathe.
“Drop it, or I’ll shoot her,” he said, moving the gun back against my temple.
He was panicking, sweating, and breathing in quick, shallow breaths.
Romi’s eyes narrowed in anger, but I could tell he was calmer now that he knew I hadn’t been hurt, unlike Siri. My head swam with the lack of oxygen, and I felt myself begin to lose consciousness.
Luckily, just before that happened, Romi’s gun hit the floor. Siri loosened his grip the slightest fraction, but it was just enough for me to gasp in some air at last and stay awake.
“Kick it to me and put your hands on your head!” Siri said, no longer sounding so out of control.
When Romi moved to do as he was told, and Siri’s grip on me loosened further, I saw my chance. I elbowed him in the ribs with all my strength, taking him by surprise. Staggering back, he doubled over as I slumped to my knees, both of us gasping for breath.
There was a blur of movement beside me as, on all fours, I frantically heaved air into my oxygen starved lungs, filling them with as much of the precious stuff as possible. Romi tackled Siri to the ground, and they struggled for control of Siri’s weapon.
A muffled shot made my head jerk up.
Blood spread over Romi’s shoulder. He’d been shot. I held my breath as I watched the pair wrestling on the floor. I needed to do something to help my man.
Spying Romi’s gun on the ground not far from me, I lunged for it. I had just turned around preparing to shoot Siri, when I saw Romi had finally gotten the upper hand and with the butt of the gun, knocked the big bastard out.
I rushed over to Romi’s side. As soon as I reached him, he blacked out.
Dropping the gun at my side, I gently lifted Romi’s head, and placed it in my lap. Some of his hair had fallen over his eyes. I brushed it aside and that was when I noticed the large lump coming up on his head. A sob escaped me as I took in the face of the man I loved.
My poor man was still showing signs of his beating from a few days ago. Now he’d been beaten up again. And shot!
How dare anyone hurt him!
Siri moaned and I glanced at him. He was coming around. If he did, he would hurt us or worse. No way! I’d kill the big bastard like I’d killed Ivor.
My hands shook as I picked up the gun and aimed it at him, and that’s when Marko entered the room.
“No, we need him alive, Sonia!” Marko shouted.
“He helped kill Krissa, attacked our family, was going to kill me, and shot Romi. He needs to die!” I yelled at him. I wasn’t usually this bloodthirsty, but this guy deserved it.
“And he will, once we get answers,” Marko assured me, prising the gun out of my hands.
Siri stirred and groaned.
Marko strode over to him and punched him in the face, knocking the pig out again.
Miki and Ash entered the room at that point.
I guess the cavalry had arrived! I thought snarkily, still very pissed off with that pair.
“This is all your fault. Don’t you dare come near,” I cried angrily at Miki as he approached.
Lifting his hands in a placating gesture, he turned away and said something to his comms unit before joining Marko, who was tying up the unconscious Siri.
Ash removed his T-shirt and stepped towards Romi.