Page 53 of Romi

“And I need your help.”

“What’s wrong?” she asked with genuine concern.

So, I told her everything, and when I’d finally finished, she smiled.

“I know,” she told me, patting my cheek.

“You two were always meant to be together. Anyone who has ever been in love could see that,” she told me, and my heart sang at the thought.

“Besides, Sonia already told me,” she said with a wink, and I couldn’t contain my chuckle.

Unable to see Sonia, I poured my heart out to her in a note instead.

“Thanks, Nonna,” I said, kissing her on the cheek as she tucked the note I’d written into her pocket. I grabbed the tray of food and walked with her to the small lift we had installed for her. After she had fallen, she had been unable to climb the stairs, so we had the lift put in to help her.

When she was inside, I handed her the tray and then watched as the door closed and the lift ascended. I was satisfied that if I couldn’t go to Sonia to reassure her myself, at least Nonna could.

Hoping that my note would lift Sonia’s spirits and stop her fretting over the situation so much, I left the house. I had another pretend attack to coordinate, and time was getting on.

As I drove with my men to the next prearranged target, I made plans. My new Plan A was to find an alternative to Sonia’s arranged marriage that would satisfy both Miki and Glowacki so they would call off the arrangement. Then, we would tell everyone about us and force her brothers, and in particular Miki, to accept us.

However, if I hadn’t accomplished that in the next couple of months, we would run. That was Plan B and our last resort.

In the meantime, while I attempted Plan A, I would prepare for Plan B.

Running wouldn’t be easy, and we would need to be fully prepared if we were going to do it successfully. We’d need new identities and money—lots of money.

Uncle Alexi had taught his boys to always be careful, plan and strategize, but he’d taught me that too. I had several other identities set up ready should they ever be needed, each with access to several bank accounts with decent amounts of cash in them, though probably nowhere near enough, not for two people on the run for the rest of our lives. I was going to have to liquidate some assets. And Sonia would need new identities. Luckily, I knew a man who could help with that. A forger that nobody else knew about, not even Marko, which was exactly what I needed.

Marko was a great hacker, and he would have been able to track us easily if I hadn’t covered my tracks well enough. As soon as I got back, I’d get started on doing just that. I still prayed I wouldn’t need to resort to Plan B, but if I did, I would make sure I was ready.

Whatever happened, I was not letting Sonia go.




Iwas lying on my bed staring at the ceiling with puffy eyes and a blotchy face from all of my crying when Nonna entered carrying a tray filled with cookies and a cup of steaming hot chocolate. It had been my favourite comfort snack since I was a little girl. Even in my sadness, I couldn’t help but smile. Nonna always knew what we needed when we were sick or upset, and her presence always soothed our boo-boos.

I chuckled before breaking down into tears yet again. It seemed as if that was all I had been doing lately, and I was tired of it.

“Bella,” Nonna said, gathering me into her warm, soothing embrace.

“I have something for you,” she said, smiling and holding out a piece of paper.

My heart thudded against my chest as I read.

Sonia, you ran away before I could explain, and Miki waylaid me, so I haven’t been able to come to see you myself.

We can’t run off, and you know that—not when our enemies are about to attack. Our family needs us here. Besides, there has to be another way.

I spoke to Uncle Maxim, and he will try to think of an alternative arrangement that will appease both Miki and Glowacki and get them to call this stupid wedding off. No date has been set, so we have time. Let’s deal with our enemies first, then we’ll tackle this arrangement.

I love you and want you, and I promise you I will find a way for us to be together.

Please be patient and trust me.