Page 11 of Romi

John seemed totally oblivious to his wife’s overly flirtatious behaviour as he spoke with Ash, and I cringed in embarrassment for him when I noticed her clinging onto Ash’s arm like a limpid and rubbing herself suggestively against his side. Ugh!

I watched in horror as Ash deliberately moved her hand off his arm and onto Romi’s. Romi and I both glared at him, and frankly, I would have gladly killed my brother at that moment. I really would have.

“Romi will take you both home. He will collect you again at 7:45 p.m. on Monday for our dinner date,” Ash told her.

Romi glared at him before reluctantly heading off with the stupid woman who was now clinging to his arm and chattering away in his ear. He looked over his shoulder and sent me an apologetic smile as they exited the club.

I glared at Ash. I was so annoyed at him.

Ash noticed, “What?” he asked, feigning innocence.

“Just wait until Monday night; you will have a whole evening of dear Mitzie and her simpering and gushing to deal with!” I sniggered when I saw Ash pale at the thought.

Good. I hoped the woman was really difficult to handle. I hoped she fawned all over him in as sickly a fashion as possible. That was what he deserved for palming her off on my man! Yip, after tonight and the way we felt dancing together in each other’s arms, I was damn sure Romi was going to be my man. Soon!

“Thank you for sorting out that situation, Mr Rominov,” Derrick said then, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Never mind. It’s fine. Forget about it, but it would be better to keep your waitress away from the main hall for the rest of the night. I would rather not have any more dry-cleaning bills or need to take any more annoying women to dinner,” Ash replied.

It came across as a bit mean. I narrowed my eyes at Ash as I stood off to the side, watching the exchange. He wasn’t the most sociable person these days, that was true, but he was rarely ever rude to a female. That he was to the waitress told me he was feeling uncomfortable somehow. I pursed my lips as I looked closely at his face. I caught the flash of nervousness in his eyes as he gulped. Ah ha! That was the same tell for all of my brothers. Ash liked the waitress!

“I will, yes,” Derrick agreed.

“Seriously! I’m still being blamed for something that was an accident?” the pretty waitress glares at Ash. Good, she was feisty as well as very pretty. She would be good for him. He needed someone who could stand up to him when necessary.

“If you were being blamed, you would be going home immediately instead of just being kept out of the main hall,” he growled. Then, he gave her a quick look up and down before turning and heading off through the main staff exit. I quietly chuckled. Oh, he was definitely into her!

“Well, Gracie, hon, looks like you made an impression on the sexy Russian, though I am not sure it was a good one!” Derrick said ironically before they both headed off into the kitchen.

I smirked to myself as I followed Ash.

He might have spoiled my night with Romi, but he hadn’t spoiled my fun, and I was going to have some at his expense. I chuckled more loudly as I hurried to catch up with him.

“Aw, is my big brother in lurve?” I asked in a silly, babyish voice as I ran up behind him.

“Don’t be ridiculous! I’m just distracted, that’s all. We have another situation I am trying to deal with, and I have a lot on my mind!” he said, not very convincingly.

“Oh, sure, that’s why your tongue was hanging out as you were ogling the pretty waitress!” I laughed.

“It was not!” he said, sounding shocked.

Yeah right!

“Ha, maybe not in reality, but it definitely was metaphorically speaking.”

“Oh, shut up!” he said, trying hard not to smile. I laughed again as we walked towards the office.

Miki was already there, and for once, he let me hear about the information received from our men on the street. The rumour was that the Somali gang known as the Malia Boys and the Broxley Estate Lads had formed an alliance and were planning on going up against us.

It was strange because they were sworn enemies, constantly fighting over their small areas in the northeast and northwest of London. Neither was big enough to take us on by themselves, although if they had truly been able to put aside their mutual dislike, I guessed they would have been in a better position to try. So, I supposed it made sense, although I found it hard to believe their alliance would last long.

From what I gathered, their plan seemed simply to team up, attack us and blame the Poles and Albanians. In doing so, they likely hoped we would revoke the alliance with Glowacki, which they obviously believed was on shaky ground anyway, and start an all-out war. I assumed they believed the attacks, the break-up of our alliance, and then a war between us all would distract and weaken us enough for them to muscle in on our territories.

It wasn’t such a bad plan, really, but it was reliant on splitting up our alliance, and that was way more difficult than they realised. Glowacki hated the Albanians as much as we did. He would never work with them on anything, and we would never believe he would. The alliance between us was strong, and he had won our trust over the last few years. Miki pointed out that, nevertheless, it would be best to make it even stronger if possible, and I had to agree.

We had kept the strength of our alliance a secret, not wanting our enemies to know just how strong we were together. Perhaps that was a mistake because there was no way these two groups would risk going up against us if they knew.

It didn’t matter anyway. The Malia boys and Broxys had teamed up, and their attacks on our men were a declaration of war. It was time we taught both the Malia Boys and the Broxy’s not to mess with us. I didn’t like violence, but if these guys were out to hurt our families and start a war, then they deserved a whole load of hurt!