Page 79 of Romi

Lifting her chin, I brushed a light kiss across her lips.

“Tell me, baby. It will help to talk about it,” I encouraged, needing to know.

Sonia had killed someone, and I knew that her soft heart would take issue with that. She would need my understanding and support until she properly came to terms with everything. So, knowing exactly what occurred was important.

Sighing heavily, she nodded. Settling her back down beside me, I kissed the top of her head.

“Tell me everything from the beginning,” I said, and she did.

After learning what had happened, I turned her face up towards me and smiled. Inside, I was seething. If Ivor wasn’t already dead, then I’d have ripped him to pieces with my bare hands. I wanted to rage and vent my anger at the ghost of the bastard, but I didn’t let my emotions show. Now was the time to show support and understanding and not give in to my inner demon.

“You were very brave. I’m proud of how well you fought. Both Ivor and Siri planned to hurt you. You had no choice but to fight back and kill Ivor. It was self-defence, and you need to focus on that. You would never have killed him if he hadn’t put you in a position where you had to. You aren’t to blame for his death. He is,” I stated firmly.

Getting things off her chest seemed to have eased the tension in her shoulders, but I could see she was still unsure how to deal with ending a life.

“Remember, Ivor was a dead man, but the minute he laid hands on you, his death sentence was always going to have been a long and excruciating one. Killing him quickly saved him from the long bout of torture he would have suffered at the hands of me or your brothers. So, you actually did him a favour,” I said in all seriousness.

She shook her head at my somewhat skewed logic, but it had the effect I wanted: Her mouth turned up into a bemused smile. I grinned, and she laughed.

No doubt killing Ivor, no matter how right she had been, would haunt her for some time to come, but at least for now, she was facing it, and we’d work through any problems she had together. After all, I was an expert at that myself; I couldn’t help but think ironically. I never enjoyed killing, but I did what I had to do, and I accepted it. In time, I would help Sonia to do the same.

We kissed slowly, and I sighed. I enjoyed sex hard and fast most of the time, but with Sonia, I was quickly learning I liked things slow and gentle, too. With her, the only thing that mattered was that we were together. It was great to just lie here and enjoy being in each other’s arms again.

After a while, the door opened, and Nonna hurried inside.

“Nino,” she cried when she saw I was awake.

I smiled at the Italian endearment for a boy child. No matter how old we got, Nonna still treated us all like the beloved ‘grandchildren’ she had adopted as her own.

Rushing to my side, she took my face in her hands, much as I had done to Sonia’s earlier, and kissed my cheeks.

“It is so good to see you awake, and I have great news for you both,” she gushed.

“The wedding is off!”

Sonia squealed in delight and threw herself into my arms. I hugged her tightly and grinned. At last!

Leaning back, I kissed her hard and fast before turning to look at Nonna again.

“That’s great news, Nonna, but if the wedding is off, what alternative arrangement did they come to?” I asked.

“Well, it’s not actually off, but it’s no longer Sonia and Dariusz that are getting married, but Glowacki and Marta,” she cried.

“What?” Sonia asked, the shock evident in her voice.

“The arrangement has been changed. Glowacki asked Marta to marry him instead, and she agreed,” she cried, clapping her hands together gleefully.

“She did?” I asked, confused.

“Marta and Glowacki have become quite close since he was injured, and if you ask me, this might start out as an arrangement between them, but I believe it could very well turn out to be a love match,” Nonna said excitedly. Her small frame was practically buzzing with energy as she grinned widely.

It was hard not to get caught up in her enthusiasm, especially when it was the best news I had ever heard.

“Well, I best get going. I’m meeting Marta. We’ve a wedding to organise.” Nonna grinned.

“Oh, this is going to be so much fun. It’s been a long time since there was a wedding in the family. So, much needs to be done,” she said, hurrying off in excitement and closing the door behind her.

After Nonna left, Sonia and I snuggled on the bed and smooched. There really wasn’t much choice as my bandaged shoulder and ribs and the fuzziness in my head left over from being sedated meant that my movement was limited. So, kissing was about all I could physically manage right now. My cock didn’t like that, but tough. It would have fun as soon as I had more strength. Besides, the feeling of her in my arms was enough.