Page 4 of Romi

Pouting, I turned to stare out the window. This reunion was definitely not going the way I had hoped. I really needed to turn things around. I couldn’t stand the silence between us or the tension I felt radiating off him. It seemed to thicken the air between us, drawing me to him. I was turned away from him, yet my body strained towards him. I held myself still, suddenly hyper-aware of every move he made and every rise and fall of his chest.

Something was definitely wrong with him. It couldn’t be about me, though, because I hadn’t done anything to warrant his standoffishness. I decided not to take it personally. He probably had a lot on his mind right now, with whatever this situation was. That had to be what was bothering him, but we were finally alone together after so long apart, and I didn’t want to lose the opportunity to talk with him. I chewed on my bottom lip as I desperately tried to think of something else to say that would lift the mood.




Shifting my position on the seat, I subtly tried to ease the pressure from my cock. The semi I was sporting didn’t want to go down, no matter what. I’d been trying to think of anything other than Sonia for the last few minutes, but it wasn’t working. I was hyper-aware of her sitting so close to me. It was making me bloody grumpy, and I knew I must be coming across as broody as hell right now. I didn’t know what to do though. I never usually had a problem controlling my libido, and yet suddenly, I couldn’t help myself.

Shit! If I didn’t get a grip, I was never going to be able to hide the fact that I secretly lusted after her. I knew having her so close to me was going to be difficult; I just didn’t realise it was going to be quite so hard. I snorted to myself over the unintended pun.

From the second Sonia smiled at me, looking radiant, I was completely awestruck. All I could do was stand and stare like a teenager. When she started walking towards me, I felt like I could burst from the excitement. My fantasy girl was headed my way. Having her grin and then run into my arms so enthusiastically had been thrilling. I’d picked her up and swung her around, feeling like the hero in some stupid romantic movie greeting his girl after time apart, and I’d loved it. So had my cock, which promptly decided to make its presence known, pressing against her.

Sonia must have felt it because she jumped down and looked embarrassed. I’d nearly died on the spot, only managing to say, “Welcome home,” before quickly turning away. I’d avoided looking at Sonia while I chatted to my men. Thank God I was wearing a long enough jacket over my jeans, which mercifully hid the situation from everyone.

That wasn’t the only problem, however. When Sonia had hugged Rolan and Armen goodbye, I was almost overwhelmed by a possessiveness I had no right to feel, only barely managing to stop myself from tearing her away from them out of sheer jealousy. I stared ahead as I drove, clutching the wheel and willing my erection down. My muscles were bunched tight, and tension radiated off me in waves as I struggled to make myself calm down. I knew I should speak, but I couldn’t get any words out.

I badly needed to get my cock under control. If I couldn’t control my libido after spending just a few minutes with Sonia, how the hell was I going to survive being in her company for hours at a time over the next few weeks? I bit back a groan. This was going to be a fucking nightmare. I decided the best course of action would be to completely ignore her presence until I could cope with her closeness. However, I figured that was a lost cause because it seemed that every atom of my being was on high alert at her proximity.

Of course, Sonia wasn’t one for long bouts of silence, and I should have known she would break it sooner or later, forcing me to interact with her whether I wanted to or not.

“How have you been, Romi?” she asked.

Her sweet voice saying my name sent shivers down my spine, and my cock jerked, longing to break free and get to her. I imagined stopping the car, pulling her towards me and taking her until she screamed my name.

“Fine,” I forced the word out, then clamped my mouth shut, not willing to say anything else until I got my thoughts and my cock back under control. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I wasn’t going to survive this.

Sonia was silent while I quietly fumed at myself. I felt bad about the atmosphere I knew I’d created between us, but I was embarrassed, which was a very unfamiliar feeling for me, and my cock was just bloody uncomfortable.Had she felt it? Was that why she seemed embarrassed, or was it something else? I should say something. But what?

No, I decided, huffing out a breath. Whether Sonia had noticed it or not, it was probably best if we pretended it hadn’t happened. Otherwise, it would be even more awkward. I would get my libido under bloody control and then just act normally. I forced myself to think of the guys we’d tortured the other day and the things we did to them. I thought of every disgusting, horrible thing I could do, and eventually, it did the trick. Thank God!

I relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Is everything ready for the Glitz event?” she asked, breaking the silence again.

“Yes, everything is in place. Ash is meeting with Marcie Matthews this morning to discuss the final arrangements, but it all seems to be going according to plan,” I said, glad to be back in control of myself and able to speak to her again.

“That’s great! I can’t wait to see it!” she gushed.

I heard the smile in her voice, and it made me relax even more. Everything was going to be fine. I could do this.

“You enjoyed working on it?” I asked, feeling more confident in my ability to act like a grown-ass man instead of a lovestruck teenager.

“I loved it! I really enjoy creating something beautiful from scratch. You know?”

“Yes, I do,” I smiled, nodding in agreement.

“You like to create things?” she asked, sounding so shocked that I couldn’t help but laugh.

We had always been close, but this was something very few people knew about me.

“Yes, although not usually on such a grand scale,” I told her, smiling.

“What do you like to do?” she asked me, and the genuine interest in her voice made my grin widen.

I rarely ever talked about my side projects, but with her, I suddenly felt compelled to. I wanted her to know me more than anyone else. I knew I shouldn’t do anything that could bring us even closer than we already were, not considering the change in my feelings. Yet, I found myself opening my mouth and letting my secret pour out.