We split into teams, and I was glad I wasn’t with Sonia. I needed to concentrate on finding Ash and I wouldn’t be able to do that if Sonia was with me.
Sympathy shone in her eyes as she asked me if I was okay. I wanted to tell her no, I wasn’t okay, without her I would never be okay, but I didn’t, I just nodded and looked away. Every time I was near her my resolve to not pursue this thing between us became shakier. I wanted to be with her so much, but it still seemed hopeless, so I turned away from her and stomped off with Anton and one of his men to look for Ash.
The atmosphere was grim, all of us very much aware of the similarity of this night with that fateful night two years ago when Krissa went missing, and all praying the evening didn’t end in the same way. I wasn’t one to pray but I sent a silent request out to the universe in the hope something or someone might hear it anyway. Ash needed to be okay. We really couldn’t deal with the death of another family member.
We searched through the night everywhere we could think of but couldn’t find any sign of Ash anywhere. Someone must have taken him and while that was a bad thing, it at least gave us hope that he might still be alive. We just needed to get to him while that was still the case.
The situation was becoming more desperate as the hours passed. Nobody knew where Mohammed was, and we could only assume he had Ash. But where? And why?
As dawn approached, exhaustion was setting in and with nowhere left to search and no other leads, Miki sent Marko back to the Estate with Sonia while the rest of us headed to a safe house to regroup. Neither of them wanted to go, arguing to remain, but Miki insisted. They finally conceded when he told them he needed someone back at the house with Nonna who would be worrying alone and in case it turned out that this was a kidnapping and the kidnappers got in touch. That was a long shot, but it was possible. We were rich businessmen as well as Mafia after all.
After they left, the rest of us climbed into the back of Anton’s van and spent the next couple of hours putting together a plan to attack the Malia Boys’ headquarters and either free Ash from there or force that bastard Siri to tell us where Ash was. Mohammed worked for Siri so if Mohammed was involved, then it was likely Siri was too. We were just waiting for Sean to phone and confirm Siri was at his home before we set off.
I was on tenterhooks, my foot tapping impatiently as we waited. One look from Miki and I abruptly stopped the tapping. I had poked the bear enough tonight. It would be a mistake to poke him any further. Miki was generally an even tempered guy but once he was riled up, he could be bloody unpredictable, and he was understandably riled up tonight. So, I forced my leg to remain still and didn’t meet his eyes. One punch to the face this evening was enough.
Finally, my phone rang. I expected it to be Sean but was surprised to see it was an unknown number and even more surprised when Ash spoke. Thank God!
Putting him on loudspeaker, we listened as he gave us a quick rundown of the events of last night. As we’d thought that double-crossing bastard Mohammed was involved. He and some other guy had jumped Ash and knocked him out, then took him to a basement room in some abandoned building near the Old Bell Tavern and beat him, as they tried to obtain the location of our drugs Lab. Fuck, I couldn’t believe that I had been so close to there and hadn’t known.
Fortunately, Gracie, of all the weird coincidences, saw them dragging him inside and apparently she knocked them both out with a baseball bat and rescued him. Bloody heck! Little Miss Hot Mess had saved his ass! That was majorly impressive.
Miki looked as shocked as me at that revelation. That was one woman I wanted to meet again. She sounded like a perfect match to Ash.
The relief we felt at knowing Ash was alive and well was palpable. Anton, and his men left to get some rest and we sent Luca and the rest of our guys home too while Miki, Vlad and I went to collect Ash from Gracie’s.
After sending a small thank you out to the universe again, because, well it seemed like someone, or something, might have been listening after all, I lay my head back against the headrest and closed my eyes as I left the tension from the evening drain out of me as I finally relaxed.
As soon as we arrived at Gracie’s address, we noticed the front door had been kicked open. Rushing inside, we heard the sounds of a struggle upstairs and a muffled gunshot. Shit!
“Sashenka!” Miki shouted as we ran inside, guns drawn, leaving Vlad outside to watch the street.
“Up here!” Ash shouted. Thank fuck he was still alive.
A second later we entered a bedroom and saw Mohammed and another guy lying on the floor unmoving and Ash sitting on the bed looking worse for wear with his arm around Gracie.
What the fuck happened? We fired questions at him in Russian in rapid succession until he held up his hand, cutting us off.
Ash quickly let us know what went down with the two Malia Boys and how both he and Gracie managed to kill Mohammed and knock out the other guy. God, that girl was a keeper! Beautiful and brave!
Gracie looked a bit uncomfortable though and started to move away from him, but he wasn’t about to let her go, not now he had hold of her. I held back my grin as he tightened his grip and pulled her closer, grimacing a little, obviously in pain.
Ash introduced her to us with pride and when he called her sweetheart we both smirked. It was obvious that after the events of the evening before, Ash had was even more obsessed with his Little Miss Hot Mess.
“Nice to meet you, Gracie, we have heard a lot about you,” we said almost in unison and laughed as she blushed.
“So, you are not only hot and sassy but brave too!” Miki said with a wink.
“Yes, she is, and she is mine!” Ash stated rather possessively, and we chuckled.
“Got it, bro!” Miki laughed.
Gracie looked like she was about to protest but Ash cut her off.
“If you think I’m letting you go easily after you saved my life and then fought those guys a second time with me, you are so wrong,” he winked at her.
“Erm, what?” she said looking a little shocked.
“You heard, you are mine now, Little Miss Hot Mess, and I won’t be letting you go!” he stated like it was a done deal.