Page 12 of Love Contract

Calix makes a choking sound and then starts coughing. “Sorry, something got stuck in my throat,” he says.

Mindy glowers at the both of us.

“I think we’ve had a full discussion. Does anyone have a motion?”

“I move to approve Harlow as a full-time resident of The Grand,” Leila says.

“I oppose.” Mindy raises her hand.

“You’re not a full board member. You don’t have a vote. Article 5.” Leila directs a smug smile in Mindy’s direction, who makes a face but drops her hand to her lap.

“I move to table this motion. There’s no need to rush into things. If the marriage works out, then we will vote to approve. If the marriage falls apart, we’re back where we started with Harlow struggling to make the maintenance fees and not having enough in savings to cover even a major appliance failure.” This is from Gertie’s best friend, Catherine, so obviously this is Gertie’s opinion. Something they probably had planned out before the doors to the library even opened.

“I second the motion,” Bob announces.

Calix’s left eye twitches as if this was unexpected to him.

The motion carries, and we find ourselves standing outside the library before another word is said. Mindy sniffs in disgust and starts to walk off. I call out, “Why are you so against me owning my grandmother’s apartment? We have barely any contact with each other. The apartments are on the opposite end of the building, so it’s not like I’m bothering you when I’m doing stuff. Is it because you’re a snob and you don’t think I’m good enough to live here?”

“I am not a snob.”

“That’s debatable,” Calix says under his breath but loud enough for me to hear.

“I give plenty of money to charity.” Mindy must have heard him too. “I’m a nice person. Everyone says so.”

“Probably because you give money to them,” Calix says. He slides an arm around my side. “Everyone says I’m nice, too, but we all know I’m a big asshole.”

“I have an apartment here at The Grand, too, if that’s all you wanted.” Mindy’s miffed. I guess she really thinks I’m trash.

“I could’ve bought the whole damned place if The Grand is what I wanted,” Calix replies. “Isn’t it obvious? I wanted Harlow, not The Grand and not you.”

He propels me forward past a stunned Mindy, inside the elevators and back to my apartment.

“She’s going to make me pay for that last remark.” I throw my house keys onto the console table just inside the door.

“Maybe you should sell this place and come live with me,” he suggests like we’re real lovers and that’s an option.

”Ha ha, cute.” I flop down on the sofa. Hands in his pockets, Calix leans against a high chest of drawers that houses Irish crochet doilies, porcelain figurines, and a handful of puzzles of castles in Germany.

“I’m willing to fight for you to stay here, but there are alternatives.”

I sit upright and point a finger at Calix. “It’s time for you to come clean. Why are you doing all of this? Why did you sign my contract? Why did you agree to take a thousand dollars when you’re rich as hell, Mr. Bachelor of the Year?”

“Technically it was a single month, and as I said earlier, I never asked for that.”

“That’s not answering my question.”

“I don’t think you’re ready for my answer.” His face is somber.

I’m confused. “Are you my grandma’s secret love child and you want to claim this as your own?”

“I’m only thirty, so secret love child is a stretch.”

”You’re evading the question.”

He pushes away from the chest and strolls over to me. From my position on the couch, he looks huge. Big, firm, capable. I would love to have someone like him at my back all the time. The co-op board meeting could have been nerve-wracking. By myself, maybe I would have had anxiety tears. But he was so firm and had an answer for everything. It’d be nice for him to just sit by my side at work so I wouldn’t feel so alone.

He crouches down and takes my hand between his. “I saw you and I liked you.”