Bishop’s forehead crinkles in confusion as he tries to puzzle out what I need. His eyes eventually light with understanding about what my magic needs. “Fuck, sweetheart. Well, leveling this town isn’t an option, so what will work instead?”
I shrug because moving my limbs is exponentially easier than trying to talk right now.
“Hmm. Would sparring work?” Bishop asks after a moment of thought.
I consider it. Laying the three wolves on their asses would be super satisfying. It would be pretty hard for them to deny how strong I am if I beat them in a fight. My magic agrees, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Yes.”
“You need to pull your magic back. Otherwise, you’ll hurt them. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?” Though Bishop tries to keep his body language relaxed, to lull my magic into compliance, I can still see how tense he is.
My magic slowly slithers back through my veins to where it normally sits behind my breastbone. I sag in relief when it finally goes back to where it’s supposed to be.
Bishop crushes me to his chest once he feels my magic disappear. His hand shakes where it cups the back of my head. Anytime my magic gets out, there’s always a chance it won’t let go again. We don’t know what happens to me if my magic keeps control of my meat suit. “You okay?” he mumbles into my blonde hair.
I give him a jerky nod, not trusting my voice to stay steady. My heart is galloping in my chest, and I’m breathing heavily, like I ran a marathon. I’m not sure I’m okay. But I’m back. That’s really all that matters.
“What the fuck was that?” Luca asks way too calmly for someone who almost witnessed the destruction of a small city. While his voice is even, his eyes warily watch me from a few steps away.
Maybe the dumbass won’t provoke my magic in the future.
“That was a preview of why I let people think I don’t have any magic.”
“Whatever it was, it was fucking epic!” Archer interjects from behind Luca.
A half smile crosses my lips at his praise. “Thanks.”
“So, can you take us all out with your magic?” he asks while bouncing on his toes. His aquamarine eyes dance in delight.
Bishop snorts. “She can obliterate your entire pack, Arch, and still have magic left over.”
I glare at Bishop. He just smirks at me in response. I really don’t need the wolves knowing any more about my magic than they already do. Yet Bishop is throwing out clues like they’re confetti.
He’s infuriating. As is Luca.
It seems to be a theme with my mates.
“Oh, man! That’s so cool!” Archer grins at me. We must have different definitions of cool. Someone being able to destroy my entire family doesn’t really seem cool to me.
Archer wanders closer as he talks, stopping beside Luca, who didn’t back up as much as I thought. They’re way too close to me now.
“Why would your magic worry about the safety of your family?” Luca asks shrewdly.
I groan. “Dude. Really? I just told you I can’t tell you. I have eight million other problems I have to take care of tonight, so can we just spar and get this over with?”
Luca prowls back into my space as he pushes me for information. “What are these other problems?”
“Stuff. And things,” I answer evasively. It’s not like I can tell the wolves what I spend my nights doing.
Bishop doesn’t know, either. He only knows about my magic because my parents told him after finding out he’s my mate. He definitely wouldn’t be happy to know what I’ve been doing in the forest.
“Wow, kid. You’re really good at not arousing suspicion,” Aggie sarcastically comments from behind Bishop. I turn my head to give her a death glare. When she catches my narrowed eyes, her spectral ones widen in understanding. “Oh. Right. They don’t know you can see me. You can’t talk to me now. I’ll just…be quiet.”
Rolling my eyes at her, I turn back toward Luca. Oh, goodie. Cain is now in my personal space as well.