Page 86 of Beautiful Chaos

I jumped up, and pulled her along, into an embrace that lifted her feet from the floor as I twirled her around, Just like the cheesy romantic comedies she adores. I’ve finally understood their meaning, Harper was changing me.

She threw her head back and let out one of her intoxicating giggles before planting the most passionate kiss on my lips.

“Careful, Doll, keep kissing me like that and our dinner will spoil.” She laughed and snorted. Not one of those tiny barely noticeable snorts, this was one of those loud Miss Piggy snorts. The kind you don’t come back from. It was the cutest sound to ever come out of her.

She threw her hands to her mouth with embarrassment as she laughed till her face turned red, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Harper discovered a hidden gem of a Chinese takeout place just down the street. It’s a quaint, little-known spot, but the food is incredible. Since I introduced Harper to it, she’s been a regular, enjoying their food at least three times a week.

“I know I agreed to move in, but I’d like to make my acceptance conditional.”

uh oh, what does she want?

“Anything, Doll.”

I meant that. I would give her the world if she asked for it. She is the most selfless woman I have ever met. She deserves fucking everything she could ever desire, and the things she didn’t know she desired too.

She nibbled on her lower lip, hesitating to speak. As each minute ticked by, my anxiety grew.

“I want to have weekly family dinners with Aster and Max” she announced with a hesitant smile that showed her teeth. She looked at me pleadingly, as if I would ever tell her no.

“That’s it?” I looked at her in disbelief. “That’s all it will take to get you to myself?” I couldn’t help but snicker at her request; she made it seem like a huge deal.

“Of course, baby. however,” I said already smirking at my next words.

“I have a condition of my own,” I glared at her with devious eyes.

Her face straightened.

“Okay.” She waited for me to continue.

“Anytime I decide I want to spoil you with material things whether it be flowers or jewelry, you have to let me and you have to try not to feel guilty,” I stated knowingly, raising one eyebrow.

She smiled sweetly contemplating my condition, then nodded her head.

“Only if whatever the cost of said item, that amount is donated to a cause of my choosing as well.” She retorted crossing her arms over her chest.

Damn it, she is too good for me.

“You drive a hard bargain, Miss. Williams but I’ll accept those terms.”

“Deal!” She extended her hand for a handshake. I smirked; fully aware I would be taking advantage of our arrangement.

Chapter 61


“Are you sure about this Harp? I mean you, don’t have to move out completely, just enough to make him think you did,” Aster joked as we sat on the floor in my room with empty boxes surrounding us. I figured it was only fair I give her one night, just her and I before I was moved in with Jasper. We made a pact to have a girl’s night at least once a month, and I intend to keep that promise. I looked forward to the nights of laughter and cheap wine with my best friend.

Aster was unhappy when I told her of my plans to move in with Jasper, and honestly, I felt guilty. I always thought she‘d be the first to move in with some guy. Things have changed so much in the last couple of months for me, it’s like a whole new life. A fresh start. One I never imagined for myself.

“Are you going to be okay, Aster?”We’ve never lived apart since I was sixteen. We’ve been like sisters. The reality is that she or I would be moving out eventually, I just never expected it to be me, and I don’t think she did either.

“I’m gonna be fine, you just make sure that God of a man, you love so much knows that by having you move in, it automatically volunteers his home and amenities, to me, for my personal use, anytime,” she tried her best at an evil laugh, failing miserably.

“No, but seriously that rooftop pool is amazing, and his gym is far fancier than the one here,” She added. “Plus, he owes me now. If I hadn’t taken you to afterglow that night…” her voice trailed off as if a light popped on in her head. “Wait a minute. Harp is he your knight in shining armor?” She asked scooting forward, totally invested now.

“Actually. Yes.” I told her. Her eyes widened with intrigue. “No way!”