Jasper grabbed my hand.
“I sent Max to get her. He took her to the penthouse, he was going to stay with her for safety, but she was too stubborn,” he furrowed his brows and shot her a meaningful glance, “She insisted on coming here, or else.” he said the last part with a smile.
“Yeah, and those two, knew better than to find out what that would look like.” She laughed, winking at Jasper.
“How are you feeling sweetheart?” her voice softened, as she threw the blanket to the ground and walked to my bed.
“Sore.” I winced, as I tried to roll my shoulder testing my mobility.
Thoughts of Jasper’s betrayal flooded my mind, recalling the emails, and the folder filled with my entire life on paper,
“I saw the emails and the file, Jasper. Then they showed up at the Plaza…” As I closed my eyes and my voice trailed off, I attempted to steady the shift of my emotion.
“I’m gonna let the doctor know she is awake, and give you two a minute,” Aster said walking toward the door.
“I told you she was gonna get you.” She taunted, before leaving us alone. A tall, muscular man in a suit stood with his back to the door, his hands to his side, blocking the doorway.
“Come on Handsome. We are going for a walk.” Aster said as the gentleman stepped aside to let her pass. She grabbed his tie playfully pulling him along. He looked towards Jasper, who gave him an approving nod. The man rolled his eyes and chuckled at Aster’s antics, she led the way sauntering into the hall and swaying her hips way more than necessary.
“Who was that?” I asked, pointing my finger toward the door, immediately regretting the abrupt movement.
“That’s security detail. We are just being careful.”
“We? Who are you, Jasper? What’s going on?”
He gave me an apologetic look. Locking his fingers between mine he said,
“I am everything I claimed to be. There’s much you don’t know, but I swear I’ve never lied to you, Harper, not even once.” His eyes searched mine nervously.
I took a deep breath.
“I need you to be completely honest with me, no filters this time,” I insisted.
Chapter 54
After what seemed like hours of recounting everything from rescuing her in the alley by the lounge, to saving her in the basement of the abandoned warehouse, and all the events in between, Harper was wide-eyed and brimming with questions, just as I had anticipated.
I opened up to her about my father and his lifestyle. Since we were embracing honesty, it was best to lay everything on the table. I put myself in a vulnerable state, one I wasn’t sure I was ready for. I’d never wanted to be accepted like I did with Harper. Max was the only person to know me personally, and even he was kept in the dark about some things. It was different with Harper; Having anything between us just felt wrong.
What the hell is this feeling?
It was important, that if we were to pursue a relationship, or whatever was happening between us, honesty would be key for both of us.
“I still don’t understand how those two monsters found me?” She spoke in a broken voice, the pain seeping through the mask that hid her fragile state.
She was skeptical of what I told her, and I could feel her hesitation. Honestly, I wouldn’t trust it either. I wish I had been honest; I could have protected her more effectively. If I had been, she would have been more inclined to believe my run-in with the Petrov brothers, and the fact that they found her there, was just a coincidence.
“Do you trust me, Harper?” I whispered, nearly deflated from the back and forth. I watched as she contemplated her answer. Then something changed in her eyes. The fear I saw only moments earlier started to dissipate. She stared at me for a long minute, then she nodded.
“I need your words, Doll.”
I needed to hear her say it. I needed to listen to the words cross her perfect lips, not just for my benefit, but for hers.
Her lips quivered, “Yes. I trust you, Jasper.” Her whispered words held so much truth. I watched another tear roll down her cheek, knowing it was hard for her to say that since she had never been able to say that about anyone. I treasured each syllable and silently vowed never to break her trust. I realized right then, that I would dedicate my life to proving that she could always trust me if she would allow it.
I was the first man to touch her intimately, and the first person she shared her story with. I already knew it, because I asked Max to gather the information. In hindsight, I regret learning of her deepest secrets through a piece of paper; I should have waited for her to confide in me.