Page 43 of Beautiful Chaos

“Well, Doll, I’m here to keep you from doing anything too embarrassing,” I smirked, with a wink. She looked at me with humor in her eyes, giggling.

“Oh great, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing, you might be the trouble.” I laughed at her comment. If she only knew my salacious thoughts and daydreams I had kept to myself for the last five days, well, let’s just say, it’s a good thing she wasn’t a mind reader.

“You aren’t wrong for thinking that, however, I promise I’ll be on my best behavior tonight.” I held two fingers over my chest, “Scout’s honor.”

Something flashed in her eyes that lasted only a moment. Then, she smiled, the biggest smile I have ever seen her wear, a smile so bright it could have lit up the entire room, and it was fucking gorgeous. I wanted to possess her lips and swallow her tongue right then, but I knew that wasn’t the way I would get Harper to respond. I had to be patient and let her come to me. I did not doubt that she would eventually, but the wait was going to fucking kill me. Every second I’m with her makes my itch to be closer to her more unbearable.

I’ve never felt about anyone, the way I do about Harper. Somehow, over the last few weeks since we first met, my soul just knew it belonged to her. I’ve never been the type to believe in soul mates, destiny or fate, or any other bullshit like that; there is genuinely no other way to explain this otherworldly gravitational pull she has on my heart.

I’ve never been able to tolerate a woman’s company for too long and usually, there’s a goal when I spend any prolonged amount of time with anyone. In the time I have spent enjoying Harper, though it’s so vastly different. I could never grow tired of her laugh, her smile, the shade of pink that flushes her cheeks when she gets embarrassed.

Little sparks of firecracker have slipped through her guarded demeanor, giving me a tiny glimpse of who she really is beneath her fortified emotional walls.

I didn’t know what was happening, but I knew one thing, without a shadow of a doubt: I would do anything for her. The fact that she has so much pain in her heart makes me want to find whoever hurt her in the past and make them suffer tenfold.

My thoughts were interrupted by the server approaching our first courses. When I made the reservation, I ordered our food ahead to simplify and control our environment and minimize interactions with anyone other than each other.

“Here we are, Beef tartare, served with Homemade Brioche Toast Points and Local Heirloom Tomato Salad.” The server placed a plate in front of Harper then myself, proper etiquette as ladies first.

“Thanks,” Harper said, gazing at the feast in front of her. Our server quickly left us alone, following my clear instructions not to disturb us unless necessary. The fewer distractions Harper has to make her feel overwhelmed the better. Protecting her felt like second nature to me.

I checked over my plate and then reached over for my silverware. I glanced at Harper, who remained motionless, her plate untouched in front of her. She met my gaze with an apologetic smile.

“I’m so sorry, but I don’t think I can eat that,” she said with a look of disgust hidden behind her soft smile and squinted eyes. I struggled to keep from laughing at her attempts to conceal her true opinion; truthfully, I wasn’t sure what I ordered. When I spoke with the owner, he recommended this dish, claiming it was one of the chef’s specialties.

“It looks like raw hamburger meat,” she said picking up her fork to move it around her plate. “I don’t want to seem ungrateful, and normally I’d at least try it, but I just can’t, Jasper,” she whispered, only loud enough for me to hear it. Her face flushed a deeper red than was already flushed across her face, I assumed from the champagne.

“I’m not sure what I’m even looking at, Doll. Why don’t we switch it out?” I asked, hoping my bad meal choice wouldn’t ruin the night. “Maybe some cheeseburgers and fries?”

“God, yes that sounds amazing,” she said with excitement.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her expression of relief. I looked up, making eye contact with our server from across the room, signaling her to come over.

“Yes, sir?”

“Would you take these plates back and have the chef fix us up some cheeseburgers and fries?” I handed both plates to the server and gave her a nod.

“Yes sir, was there anything wrong with the tartare?” She asked curiously.

“No. Not at all and I’m happy to pay for them, we’d prefer a different style tonight.”

She nodded an acknowledgment and hurried off.

I saw Harper’s glass was almost empty. I leaned over to refill it, and as my hand grazed over hers, I felt a shocking zap. Her reaction to the connection told me she noticed it too. Her eyes met mine, and for an instant, I thought maybe she would take the lead and lean into the obvious need, instead, she turned her head to the approaching server who had two new plates in her hands full of fresh thick-cut french fries next to two massive cheeseburgers with all the fixings, nestled between two buttery buns.

Damn, these fuckers are fast.

Harper’s eyes said it all. This was more her speed, and I was happy to oblige, even if it meant pissing off the chef by sending back eighty-dollar entrees untouched.

Two empty plates, and five glasses of champagne later, I was easing out of the booth to allow Harper up to use the restroom. She seemed fine until she stood up and immediately swayed back against me. I grabbed her by the waist to steady her.

“Easy, Doll, I should have warned you. The champagne is stronger than the wine you’re accustomed to—it goes right to the head.” I started to lead her towards the restroom refusing to let go of her waist.

“I’m okay now. I can walk.” She insisted, but I wasn’t convinced. I walked her right up to the door where I leaned against the wall and waited for her.

After we settled our bill and shook hands with the owner, I walked Harper to the car. She was quiet as she leaned into my side wearing my jacket over her shoulders. I opened the passenger door and helped her in.

I wanted to be close to her…as fucking close as she would allow me to be, to feel her near to me, safe in my arms.