Chapter 23
My mind had been whirling since Joseph’s call just before midnight. When he said there was screaming from Harper’s apartment. I had one of my guys breach her alarm system and cut the connection long enough for them to get in and secure the area.
I was on my way out the door when he called me to let me know she was alone and that the screaming had been due to a night terror. I was glad to hear she was safe, but my heart was heavy at the thought of her crying out, all alone, struggling with painful thoughts. The memories that haunt her. She was vague, but I desperately wanted to know more.
I was shocked when she called me just after I received a text confirming that my guy reconnected her alarm system successfully undetected. I decided right then that she was going to come to my house. I texted Hector while she was telling me about her dream and sent him to her. The fear that trembled in her voice was so obvious, even as she tried to be vague and put up a brave front. There was no way I would let her stay there alone anymore.
I didn’t know how I was going to convince her to come because of her trust issues with men but I was willing to do whatever it took. When she agreed without too much of a fight, she was clearly more scared of being alone than she let on.
* * *
Riding the elevator up to my penthouse with Harper on my arm, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was gorgeous – light green eyes and smooth, porcelain skin. Her hands trembled slightly against my arm, yet she maintained a straight face, standing tall with her chin raised.
I didn’t get all the details of what she went through as a teenager, but it amazed me every time I saw her living, smiling, just doing life while the world around her was none the wiser. She’s so strong.
Maybe that’s why I felt so connected to her. I couldn’t relate to her experiences until I spent time getting to know her story. Letting her tell me her truth, I sensed we had a few things in common.
When did I turn into such a sap for women?
Or should I say this woman; no one could ever have the same effect on me as she’s had. I’m in deep. I think I need a fucking drink.
* * *
I poured a generous glass of scotch and sat in the living room where a crackling fire blazed. It was August and still warm out, but I found the sound to be peaceful. It didn’t take long to show Harper around and get her settled in for the night. I put her in the guest room closest to mine. I wanted her close in case she had another nightmare. I didn’t want her to wake up alone again.
I was still shocked she agreed to come to stay with me, not that I was willing to give her much of a choice.
I sipped my scotch, pondering whether to nap, when I heard the guest room door unlock and soft footsteps in the hallway. I fixed my gaze on the hall, anticipating Harper’s arrival. I left the lights off in the living room so there was only the flicker of the fireplace illuminating as I sat in my favorite chair close to the window.
Being so far up, I never bothered to close the curtains. Harper walked around the corner and straight to the fire. She wore a pair of sleep shorts and a top that was cropped, to reveal her pale skin just beneath her perfect belly button. Just that small amount of skin showing sent my mind into a frenzy, wondering what it would feel like to have her wrapped in my arms.
She looked like a goddess standing over the fire, occasionally putting her hands out to feel the warmth radiating off the flames that flickered. I sat still and watched her as she turned and walked toward the kitchen. She didn’t notice I was sitting only ten feet from her.
She made it almost to the threshold of the next room before I used the remote to turn on the lights in the dining room and kitchen. I never found that feature more useful than right then. As I lit her path, she jumped at the sudden brightness. Her breathing was labored as she recovered from the fright I had caused, and I caught her muttering something under her breath.
“hoity-toity motion lighting”.
Then she started toward the kitchen again. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her disdain for motion lights. She turned quickly, gasped at my outburst, and turned red under my gaze. Her hand went directly across her chest hiding herself from my view as she stared at me like a deer caught in headlights.
I grabbed the throw blanket from the couch and walked towards her. As my footsteps took me closer to where Harper was standing, I heard the rapid intake of her breaths.
She’s nervous.
I gave her a small smile before holding up the blanket
“May I,” I nodded towards the blanket that she finally noticed in my hand. She let out a breathy sigh of relief and slightly moved her head in a nod.
I wrapped the blanket over her shoulders, careful not to move too suddenly, and to be gentle. She flinched away from me ever so slightly and then straightened herself almost immediately. I wouldn’t have noticed the motion if I wasn’t expecting it.
She quickly grabbed the ends of the blanket, pulled it closed over her chest, and held it tight. I watched as her shoulders lowered and she relaxed.
In a small voice, she started to speak…
“I…. I…” She stopped and cleared her throat before continuing, sounding confident the second time.
“I couldn’t sleep,” she said.