Disappointed, he sighed. “Well, open it now, then!”
I giggled at his impatience.
“Yes, sir,” I teased.
“Don’t talk like that or I may have to come home, and show you how to be my good girl.” He
“Okay, okay, calm down big boy.”
I reached over to the counter to grab the teal-colored box and slowly untied the ribbon. My breath hitched when I lifted the top to see a diamond necklace.
“Oh my God Jasper, it’s beautiful,” I whispered, “This is too much. You didn’t have to do this.”
“Do you like it, Doll?” He asked with uncertainty. “I can take it back, and let you pick something out if you don’t like it.”
“No, I love it. It’s stunning.”
It was beautiful. It had to have cost him a fortune.
Did he buy this as a subtle way of paying me for what we did last night?
“Jasper. Why did you buy this for me?”
“I wanted you to have something nice, something you wouldn’t have to borrow from Aster.” He replied. I could almost hear the smile in his voice. I didn’t want to spoil his happiness, but I had to know.
“You didn’t buy this as some sort of payment for what we did last night did you?” I asked as my voice cracked, internally pleading that wasn’t the case.
He choked at my question, “abso-fucking-lutly not.” He laughed. but I could tell it was forced.
I offended him.
“I-I’m sorry, I just meant,” I tried to explain. “I just mean…I’m not used to having a man be so nice to me. I don’t know how to… I don’t know.” I said in a small voice.
“Harper, you are a fucking breath of fresh air.” That was his only response before he was interrupted by what sounded like Max. “I gotta go, Doll, see you tonight.”
I stood staring at this completely over-the-top, gift Jasper left for me, when the doorman buzzed the intercom to let me know that Magda and her crew had arrived.
Chapter 41
Iran a hand over my face as I leaned back in my chair.
“Where do these assholes get off threatening me? I may not live the ruthless life my father did but that doesn’t mean I won’t sink my teeth in and teach those pricks a thing or two.” I said the last part through gritted teeth. Max sat across from me and shook his head as he watched his laptop intently at the footage from the Casino.
He spun it around when he finally got a clear view of one of the cameras. Most of the footage was blurred and pixelated.
“Yep, right there. It’s those same twat bags we met that first time. Fucking Petrov goons.”
Leave it to my father to have low-grade security cameras. I guess when you have armed guards nearby constantly, pixels on a camera aren’t really a priority.
Spinning the laptop back around he attempted to clean up the photo, but it was no use.
“I’ll send a team to all three locations today to install something with advanced encryption and defenses against unauthorized access and data interception.” Max scratches his chin never once looking up from his screen.
Max is damn good at his job and can turn into the biggest tech nerd when he needs to.