Ashe. She remembered him as a terrifying shadow in black, hurling fire at her head, but here now, in the placid stillness of the afternoon light, he didn’t look quite as monstrous. Still, he had a stern bearing, the antithesis of Cole, as grim as Cole was playful, with jet black hair, black eyes and a dark complexion. His skin had an undertone of something to it, something that looked like fragrance oil floating in warm water, the iridescence of a shell or a raw opal, with faint rainbow colours visible just beneath the brown surface of his skin. There was a wildness to him that the strict, polished uniform of black leather with metal trimmings that he wore couldn’t conceal, an air of untamed danger, of a predator.
“… and what on earth will that accomplish, spying on my team, Ashe?” Cole was saying, with a knowing smile, as if the thought didn’t phase him at all. “Swirl won’t stand for that. He’ll count it as an insult to his honour. And I’m not sure you want to earn the wrath of Swirl.”
Ashe gave a scoffing grunt. “I’m fully aware of the capabilities of your team. There’s nothing new to learn. And I put my faith in Tinth to manage Swirl.”
Cole’s green eyes sharpened and his tone became stilted, although why, Ember couldn’t imagine. “My team. My blood. I will manage Swirl.”
Ashe shrugged carelessly, but there was a smug set to his bearing, as if knowing full well he had needled Cole and received exactly the reaction he wanted.
Ember hardly understood any of this byplay, and she shrank back as Ashe’s dark gaze skated over her. “I can’t imagine it will thrill Lissa, you fraternising with other fae. You don’t want her distracted.”
Smug complacency replaced Cole’s disgruntled attitude. He gave Ember the ghost of a wink, which brought a flush to her cheeks. “Look again.”
Ashe’s casual glance became piercing. She heard his indrawn breath, noted the way his voice became tight. “Cole. What have you done? A human?”
“Me?” said Cole with indignation, but there was more than a little amusement in his voice. He was enjoying this. “You’re the one who showed up throwing fire at everything. I rescued her.”
“There’s nothing in the rulebook to prevent fire being thrown on earth,” Ashe said, but his tone was uncertain.
“Because the Adjudicator would have assumed that no one would have been stupid enough to do it. You know the rules, Ashe. We are sacrosanct from each other until the tournament. Here, and on Earth.”
“I wasn’t aiming to kill,” Ashe said. “Otherwise, you would be dead.”
Cole scoffed at that, his eyes alight with mischief. He’s enjoying this, thought Ember, the gleeful joy of a cheeky younger sibling who has finally got one over their serious big brother.
“Our duty is to protect humankind,” said Cole. “Surely maiming one of them to make a point doesn’t fall under that mandate?”
Ashe gave a growl and turned to Ember. “I apologise if I … maimed you.” Without waiting for a reply, he turned on his heel to go.
Cole stared at her with an eyebrow lifted, and Ashe turned back. His dark eyes closely raked her from head to toe, and his lip curled as if he didn’t much like what he saw.
“Is that how you address a prince?” he enquired glacially. Ember flushed. The lady of the house in her final foster home, a Mrs Fletcher, had been a kindergarten teacher and spoke to everyone in the same manner, as if she were several metres above everyone else. It grated on Ember then, and it grated on her now.
“Your Highness.” Sarcasm dripped from her tone, and without giving him time to retort, ploughed on. “I understand that in order to send me back, I need you and your …” she waved her hand in the air, not knowing exactly what it was he had. Magic? Power? Special talents? “…abilities,” she finished. “I’d like to go home. Please.”
His expression changed imperceptibly at the word ‘please’, a narrowing of his eyes and a hint of curiosity in those dark eyes as they moved over her again, deliberately, lingering on the curve of her breasts. A warm flush came unbidden to her cheeks, and she had a sudden desire to tug her dress up to her chin. She tried to keep the dislike from her eyes, injecting a pleading look instead, her fingers crossed for luck, hidden by the folds of her skirts.
“No,” he said, and made to leave.
“Why?” she demanded and couldn’t help surging to her feet. “You have to! I can’t stay here! I’ve got things to do. I have priorities.”
He smiled as he turned back to her, a feral smile that made her think of a panther tearing at bloodied flesh. “Yes,” he agreed. “I’ve seen your priorities. You’re lucky that Lissa didn’t.”
She sucked in an aggrieved breath, only just resisting the childish urge to stamp her foot.
Cole chuckled. “Now, now,” he chided, and then to Ember, “Perhaps my cousin doesn’t have enough energy left to tear the veil between worlds?”
Ember could tell he meant it as a dig, but to her surprise, Ashe readily acquiesced.
“That’s right. I’m spent.” He directed his words to Ember. “The games are my … priority. That is my focus. When the tournament concludes, you’ll be returned. If you survive that long.”
Ember blinked. “What does that mean?”
“Humans are too fragile for fae,” he said, looking askance at his cousin. “You need us, but we don’t need you. Be careful.”
Leaving Ember speechless, he gave her a supercilious bow and strode off toward the castle. On the track, the centaurs came to a halt, chests heaving, spears and bows dangling from languid fingers, eyes hard as they watched him pass. Only when he’d disappeared inside did they return to their training.