“Okay, now just aim and shoot,” Brent encouraged.
“You say that like it's easy.” My heart palpitated as I raised the gun just a little more, attempting to hold it steady. I took a deep breath, feeling a droplet of sweat dribble down the back of my neck as I pulled the trigger, the gun almost flying out of my hand as the bullet barrelled down the narrow stretch. It hit the wall above the target, bouncing off it and landing on the floor with a loud clink, slowly rolling to a stop.
What a pathetic attempt.
“Well,” Kaleb mumbled, taking a few slow steps towards me, placing his hand on the gun, lowering it, and taking it from me, “you didn't shoot a hole through your own head, so congratulations.”
“Nice job, Freya. You're a natural. I'll go and grab us some more bullets.” Brent headed towards the entrance, leaving me alone with Kaleb, his stormy eyes on me.
I cleared my throat awkwardly, kicking at the dusty ground. “What did Brent mean when he said you dealt with Maggie?”
He clicked his tongue, grinding his teeth together. “Will you refuse to drop it if I don’t answer?”
I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue, causing him to grumble.
“I went over to her house, and I told her that if she ever drugged anybody again, I’d make sure she regretted it.”
“What does that mean?”
Kaleb huffed. “It means what I just said, Freya.”
I pursed my lips. He clearly didn't want to discuss it, and I didn't want to frustrate him further. The fact that we were here together, partaking in a recreational activity, was a miracle. There was no point in pushing it.
“I don’t think drugs and I mix very well.” It was supposed to be a light-hearted joke, but I realised as soon as I'd said it just how unfunny it was. Kaleb and I had settled into an awkward silence, and I’d said the first thing that had popped into my head to break it.
He hummed in response as he played with his gun, his brows collapsing in on one another.
Feeling awkward, I pulled my phone from my pocket, checking for any messages from my dad.
I frowned as I stared at the screen.
Nothing—not even after I’d sent him a message asking why he’d answered my call and then hung up.
I’d really been blessed with a loving father, hadn’t I?
The tension was cut once Brent reappeared and handed Kaleb a fresh set of bullets. They continued to shoot, and I stood behind them with my back against the wall, scanning the room, taking in how boisterous everyone was. My brain throbbed from inside my skull.
I sighed. This wasn't my scene.
Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I snatched it from the fabric with hope, but my face fell when Zach's name popped up.
Zach: Hey, Freya, did you want to do something? We could grab some food?
I hesitated, biting down harshly on my lip. I was starving and needed an excuse to leave this creepy shooting range.
Freya: Sure, I'll meet you at Lenny's diner in twenty minutes if that works?
Zach: Sounds good.
“Okay, I think I'm going to go,” I said, causing both men to turn to me, a slight smirk gracing Kaleb’s lips.
“It's not for everyone,” he replied. “See you at home.”
“Yep,” I muttered with hard eyes, waving a quick goodbye to Brent before I rushed out of the building, the smell of iron and alcohol filling my nostrils as I raced through the hallway. Will caught my attention as I reached the front door, though, another half-smoked cigarette in his mouth.
“Leaving already?” he asked, puffing out a cloud of smoke to the side.