I narrowed my eyes. “You don’t seem surprised to see me.”
Kaleb dipped his chin. “I’m not. I knew you were going to be here.”
“How? What did you—“ Something clicked inside my brain, and my mouth popped open. “Oh, my God. You sent the email.”
“Well, technically, the ticketing company sent the email,” he replied, the corner of his lip curving upward. “I just paid them to do it.”
I glared at him, which caused him to chuckle. Fuck, this was confusing as hell. There was nothing more I could ask Kaleb regarding my father because he truly wasn't sure if he was going to go through with Will's request to kill him or not. I wanted a definite answer, but I understood how illogical that was. It was something I'd never know. “Tell me about work," I asked, changing the subject.
Kaleb nodded. “The bodyguard job, even though I hate it, has its perks. It doesn’t actually require me to be stationed at or near the base, so I can live where I want while watching Madison—as long as it’s within a reasonable distance. She’s only a thirty-minute drive from me, so it works out. My contract is for a year, and I've moved into my own apartment down here.”
I swallowed. “You’re staying?”
“I’m staying.”
We settled into silence, and my eyes raked over Kaleb's entire form. Not in a sexual way, but because I wanted to take every cell of him in. He didn't feel real, and I was concerned that my trauma had finally caused me to lose my sense of reality. My mind wouldn't be that cruel, would it?
“I’m sure you already know this, but I need you, Freya,” he said, his fingers twitching beside him. “I miss everything about you. The situation you were forced into—it wasn’t right. I’m so sorry that you were dragged into it. The last thing I ever wanted was for you to get hurt, and the guilt is killing me, but being without you is killing me more.”
I hesitated before answering. “It wasn’t your fault my father was a criminal.”
“It was my fault that Will discovered you, though.” His eyes flashed with pain. “Seeing you like that.” He paused to calm himself. “I felt so helpless.”
Kaleb had already gone through losing Brie, and I understood how desperate he’d been to ensure I didn’t succumb to the same fate. I couldn’t blame him entirely.
“I don’t really remember a lot from it,” I said, dropping eye contact and shuddering. “I blocked a lot of it out.”
Besides the fact that you’re a murderer.
Kaleb’s tongue skated along the front of his teeth. “Don’t do this alone, Freya. If you need to talk to someone, talk to someone. Whether that be with your mom, Hannah, your other friends, or me.”
He was speaking from experience, and I didn’t take his advice lightly. I knew I was due a mental breakdown soon if I didn’t allow myself to fully come to terms with what had happened. I was still in denial, though. I wanted to return to my old life, the longing crushing me. I shivered, inhaling when I felt my phone vibrate from inside my bag. “Hannah is waiting for me. I should go.”
Kaleb scratched at his stubble. It looked like he hadn’t shaved in a few days, and I wondered how many hours a day he was actually bodyguarding Madison. Judging by how exhausted he looked, it appeared he was working around the clock.
“Freya,” he said as I turned to head towards the exit. “I’ll wait—as long as it takes.”
Forty-four: Freya
Istood back from the computer, cocking my head as Abigail and I studied our final product. We’d been working on a beautiful book cover for the past couple of days, and after hours of effort, we believed it was finally done.
“I think the author is going to love it,” Abigail said, tapping away on her computer and beaming at me. “I think you’re ready to take on your own clients, Freya. You’re good—way better than we would expect you to be at this stage. I know many authors that would be excited to work with you.”
Elation bubbled up inside of me. “Really?”
“Most definitely. I’ll speak to Roger about it. I’m sure he’ll agree with me, and we can set up some meetings with some clients for you.” My mentor shut down her computer and grabbed her coat off the hook. I did the same.
We’d hung back at the office late, and my mom had called me to let me know she was heading over to Jackie’s for dinner. Apparently, she'd asked if I felt like coming, and before I allowed myself to overthink the situation, I agreed.
Abigail and I made our way into the office reception, and a magazine on the coffee table caught my attention. On the front was a paparazzi photo of Madison Ainsley, and behind her, holding her car door open, was Kaleb. The bags under his eyes were dark, and his mouth was set in a firm frown.
“Freya?” asked Abigail, a small chuckle escaping her mouth. “Are you a massive fan or something?” She nodded toward the magazine that I’d been examining.
“Um, yeah,” I stuttered. “I went to see her in concert last week.”
Abigail hummed, brushing her blonde bangs out of her eyes. “Her bodyguard is hot.” She grinned at me, and I nodded stiffly, rushing out the door.