Page 92 of Law Of Love

The crowd went wild as Madison stepped out onto the stage, dressed in a beautiful long white dress, her dirty blonde hair curled to frame her face. It was hard not to be jealous of someone so naturally stunning. Not only that, but she was blessed with the voice of an angel. God really had his favourites.

Hannah and I sang along with Madison—as did most of the crowd. I tried my best not to choke up at some of the songs, pushing Kaleb from my mind before the tears threatened to spill over. Her lyrics reminded me of him, and I hated it and loved it at the same time.

You're stuck in my mind.

I want no one else, baby.

You and me, against the world.

A shiver wracked down my spine, and my mouth curved downwards as I attempted to block out Madison's beautiful voice for the remainder of the heart-wrenching ballad.

The rest of the concert was incredible, and my throat burned from singing. Hannah and I followed the sign leading to the meet-and-greet, my hands slick with sweat and my blood pumping through my veins at a rapid speed. We waited in the short line outside the red-curtained room, but I struggled to feel the excitement, my entire body numb.

“What do you think she’s like?” asked Hannah as she bounced excitedly.

“I just hope she’s nice.” Nothing was worse than discovering that your favourite celebrity was actually a raging diva.

“Next.” The beefy bouncer eyed us suspiciously before nodding, opening the curtain and gesturing for us to enter the room.

I plastered a smile onto my face, immediately spotting a beaming Madison, who stepped forward to wrap her arms around us in a spine-crushing hug. I released an exasperated laugh. However, my heart skipped a beat, and my blood turned icy when I noticed the tall, muscular man standing behind her.

Grey eyes.

Tousled dark hair.

Tattoo-covered arms.

Oh my God.

There was no way.


I couldn’t take my eyes off him, and his own bored into mine with apprehension, a frown masking his face. I assumed he’d left to continue work at another base, but that clearly wasn’t the case.

Madison noticed my staring and turned awkwardly, gesturing to Kaleb. “Um, this is my bodyguard, Mr Evans,” she said hesitantly, and Hannah’s mouth popped open once she spotted who I was gawking at. “Did you girls enjoy the concert?”

I blinked, yanking my gaze away and returning my attention to Madison, nodding. I couldn’t think. My thoughts were whirling around in my head like a tornado. I felt as if I was about to pass out. “Um, yes, it was incredible, thank you.”

Kaleb shuffled from behind the celebrity; his intense stare focused on me for the entire three-minute interaction. I was shocked, though, because although memories of Will and my father came rushing back, haunting me, so did the happiness. The joy. The longing. It was intense—almost so intense that I nearly doubled over.

“Next,” called the bouncer from outside the curtain, opening it up to reveal more squealing fans as they waited for their turn to meet the star. Madison hugged us again after quickly autographing Hannah’s poster, and Kaleb stepped toward us, pulling back the curtain on the other side of the room for us to exit.

I didn’t know what to say to him. He didn’t seem overly surprised to see me, his eyes remaining the same size and holding the same emotion the entire time.

Enraptured? Check. Captivated? Check. Surprised? No. Not one bit.

My skin sizzled as I felt a warm hand gently grip my bicep, and I gulped, Kaleb, peering down at me with his jaw flexing painfully. “Freya.” He sighed, running his tongue along the front of his teeth. “I finish in fifteen minutes. Please, can you wait for me in the foyer? All I want to do is talk.”

I inhaled deeply, my throat constricting. My arm tingled from his touch, dizziness taking over briefly before I blinked a few times to bring myself back to reality.

He was here. He was actually here.

“Okay.” I inhaled deeply. “I’ll wait.”

A modest smile replaced Kaleb’s deep frown, and he nodded, taking a small step away from me. I instantly missed the warmth of his touch, feeling chilled without him. “Thank you.”

Hannah stared at me wide-eyed as we made our way down the long corridor, tiny droplets of sweat accumulating on my hairline as my clammy hands clutched onto my CD that I’d failed to get signed. I’d been far too distracted to ask.